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Terraform module to provision Volume and Volume Attachment resources in Hetzner Cloud.


# Configure the Hetzner Cloud Provider
provider "hcloud" {
  token = var.hcloud_token

module "sv" {
  source  = "zoro16/server/hcloud"
  version = "1.0.0"

  create_server = true

  server_name = "sample-server"
  server_type = "cax11"
  location    = "fsn1"
  backups     = true
  image       = "debian-12"

  placement_group_name = "placement-group-sample"

  public_net_ipv4_enabled = true
  public_net_ipv6_enabled = true

module "vol" {
  source = "../../"

  create_volume    = true
  volume_size      = 10
  volume_name      = "example-vol1"
  volume_automount = false
  volume_format    = "xfs"
  volume_server_id =
  # volume_location = "fsn1"


Name Version
terraform >= 1.2.0
hcloud >= 1.42.1


Name Version
hcloud >= 1.42.1


No modules.


Name Type
hcloud_volume.vol resource
hcloud_volume_attachment.vol_attach resource


Name Description Type Default Required
create_volume A boolean to check whether to create a Volume or not. bool false no
create_volume_attachment A boolean to check whether to create a Volume Attachment or not. bool false no
volume_attachment_automount Automount the volume upon attaching it. bool false no
volume_attachment_server_id Server to attach the Volume to. number null no
volume_attachment_volume_id ID of the Volume. number null no
volume_automount Automount the volume upon attaching it (server_id must be provided). bool true no
volume_delete_protection Enable or disable delete protection. bool false no
volume_format Format volume after creation. xfs or ext4 string "xfs" no
volume_location The location name of the volume to create, not allowed if server_id argument is passed. string null no
volume_name Name of the Volume to be created. string "" no
volume_server_id Server to attach the Volume to, not allowed if location argument is passed. number null no
volume_size Size of the Volume to be created in GB. number 10 no


Name Description
volume_attachment_id Unique ID of the Volume Attachment.
volume_attachment_server_id Server to attach the Volume to.
volume_attachment_volume_id ID of the Volume.
volume_delete_protection Enable or disable delete protection.
volume_format Format volume after creation. xfs or ext4.
volume_id Unique ID of the volume.
volume_labels User-defined labels (key-value pairs).
volume_linux_device Device path on the file system for the Volume.
volume_location The location name of the volume to create, not allowed if server_id argument is passed.
volume_name Name of the Volume to be created.
volume_server_id Server to attach the Volume to, not allowed if location argument is passed.
volume_size Size of the Volume to be created in GB.