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@zktuong zktuong released this 07 Jul 15:32
· 253 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

New features

slicing functionality

  • the Dandelion object can now be sliced like a AnnData, or pandas DataFrame!
    vdj[['productive'] == 'T']
    Dandelion class object with n_obs = 38 and n_contigs = 94
        data: 'sequence_id', 'sequence', 'rev_comp', 'productive', 'v_call', 'd_call', 'j_call', 'sequence_alignment', 'germline_alignment', 'junction', 'junction_aa', 'v_cigar', 'd_cigar', 'j_cigar', 'stop_codon', 'vj_in_frame', 'locus', 'junction_length', 'np1_length', 'np2_length', 'cell_id', 'c_call', 'consensus_count', 'duplicate_count', 'rearrangement_status'
        metadata: 'locus_VDJ', 'locus_VJ', 'productive_VDJ', 'productive_VJ', 'v_call_VDJ', 'd_call_VDJ', 'j_call_VDJ', 'v_call_VJ', 'j_call_VJ', 'c_call_VDJ', 'c_call_VJ', 'junction_VDJ', 'junction_VJ', 'junction_aa_VDJ', 'junction_aa_VJ', 'v_call_B_VDJ', 'd_call_B_VDJ', 'j_call_B_VDJ', 'v_call_B_VJ', 'j_call_B_VJ', 'productive_B_VDJ', 'productive_B_VJ', 'v_call_abT_VDJ', 'd_call_abT_VDJ', 'j_call_abT_VDJ', 'v_call_abT_VJ', 'j_call_abT_VJ', 'productive_abT_VDJ', 'productive_abT_VJ', 'v_call_gdT_VDJ', 'd_call_gdT_VDJ', 'j_call_gdT_VDJ', 'v_call_gdT_VJ', 'j_call_gdT_VJ', 'productive_gdT_VDJ', 'productive_gdT_VJ', 'duplicate_count_B_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_B_VJ', 'duplicate_count_abT_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_abT_VJ', 'duplicate_count_gdT_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_gdT_VJ', 'isotype', 'isotype_status', 'locus_status', 'chain_status', 'rearrangement_status_VDJ', 'rearrangement_status_VJ'
    vdj[vdj.metadata['productive_VDJ'] == 'T']
    Dandelion class object with n_obs = 17 and n_contigs = 36
        data: 'sequence_id', 'sequence', 'rev_comp', 'productive', 'v_call', 'd_call', 'j_call', 'sequence_alignment', 'germline_alignment', 'junction', 'junction_aa', 'v_cigar', 'd_cigar', 'j_cigar', 'stop_codon', 'vj_in_frame', 'locus', 'junction_length', 'np1_length', 'np2_length', 'cell_id', 'c_call', 'consensus_count', 'duplicate_count', 'rearrangement_status'
        metadata: 'locus_VDJ', 'locus_VJ', 'productive_VDJ', 'productive_VJ', 'v_call_VDJ', 'd_call_VDJ', 'j_call_VDJ', 'v_call_VJ', 'j_call_VJ', 'c_call_VDJ', 'c_call_VJ', 'junction_VDJ', 'junction_VJ', 'junction_aa_VDJ', 'junction_aa_VJ', 'v_call_B_VDJ', 'd_call_B_VDJ', 'j_call_B_VDJ', 'v_call_B_VJ', 'j_call_B_VJ', 'productive_B_VDJ', 'productive_B_VJ', 'v_call_abT_VDJ', 'd_call_abT_VDJ', 'j_call_abT_VDJ', 'v_call_abT_VJ', 'j_call_abT_VJ', 'productive_abT_VDJ', 'productive_abT_VJ', 'v_call_gdT_VDJ', 'd_call_gdT_VDJ', 'j_call_gdT_VDJ', 'v_call_gdT_VJ', 'j_call_gdT_VJ', 'productive_gdT_VDJ', 'productive_gdT_VJ', 'duplicate_count_B_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_B_VJ', 'duplicate_count_abT_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_abT_VJ', 'duplicate_count_gdT_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_gdT_VJ', 'isotype', 'isotype_status', 'locus_status', 'chain_status', 'rearrangement_status_VDJ', 'rearrangement_status_VJ'
    vdj[vdj.metadata_names.isin(['cell1', 'cell2', 'cell3', 'cell4', 'cell5'])]
    Dandelion class object with n_obs = 5 and n_contigs = 20
    data: 'sequence_id', 'sequence', 'rev_comp', 'productive', 'v_call', 'd_call', 'j_call', 'sequence_alignment', 'germline_alignment', 'junction', 'junction_aa', 'v_cigar', 'd_cigar', 'j_cigar', 'stop_codon', 'vj_in_frame', 'locus', 'junction_length', 'np1_length', 'np2_length', 'cell_id', 'c_call', 'consensus_count', 'duplicate_count', 'rearrangement_status'
    metadata: 'locus_VDJ', 'locus_VJ', 'productive_VDJ', 'productive_VJ', 'v_call_VDJ', 'd_call_VDJ', 'j_call_VDJ', 'v_call_VJ', 'j_call_VJ', 'c_call_VDJ', 'c_call_VJ', 'junction_VDJ', 'junction_VJ', 'junction_aa_VDJ', 'junction_aa_VJ', 'v_call_B_VDJ', 'd_call_B_VDJ', 'j_call_B_VDJ', 'v_call_B_VJ', 'j_call_B_VJ', 'productive_B_VDJ', 'productive_B_VJ', 'v_call_abT_VDJ', 'd_call_abT_VDJ', 'j_call_abT_VDJ', 'v_call_abT_VJ', 'j_call_abT_VJ', 'productive_abT_VDJ', 'productive_abT_VJ', 'v_call_gdT_VDJ', 'd_call_gdT_VDJ', 'j_call_gdT_VDJ', 'v_call_gdT_VJ', 'j_call_gdT_VJ', 'productive_gdT_VDJ', 'productive_gdT_VJ', 'duplicate_count_B_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_B_VJ', 'duplicate_count_abT_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_abT_VJ', 'duplicate_count_gdT_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_gdT_VJ', 'isotype', 'isotype_status', 'locus_status', 'chain_status', 'rearrangement_status_VDJ', 'rearrangement_status_VJ'
    Dandelion class object with n_obs = 2 and n_contigs = 5
    data: 'sequence_id', 'sequence', 'rev_comp', 'productive', 'v_call', 'd_call', 'j_call', 'sequence_alignment', 'germline_alignment', 'junction', 'junction_aa', 'v_cigar', 'd_cigar', 'j_cigar', 'stop_codon', 'vj_in_frame', 'locus', 'junction_length', 'np1_length', 'np2_length', 'cell_id', 'c_call', 'consensus_count', 'duplicate_count', 'rearrangement_status'
    metadata: 'locus_VDJ', 'locus_VJ', 'productive_VDJ', 'productive_VJ', 'v_call_VDJ', 'd_call_VDJ', 'j_call_VDJ', 'v_call_VJ', 'j_call_VJ', 'c_call_VDJ', 'c_call_VJ', 'junction_VDJ', 'junction_VJ', 'junction_aa_VDJ', 'junction_aa_VJ', 'v_call_B_VDJ', 'd_call_B_VDJ', 'j_call_B_VDJ', 'v_call_B_VJ', 'j_call_B_VJ', 'productive_B_VDJ', 'productive_B_VJ', 'v_call_abT_VDJ', 'd_call_abT_VDJ', 'j_call_abT_VDJ', 'v_call_abT_VJ', 'j_call_abT_VJ', 'productive_abT_VDJ', 'productive_abT_VJ', 'v_call_gdT_VDJ', 'd_call_gdT_VDJ', 'j_call_gdT_VDJ', 'v_call_gdT_VJ', 'j_call_gdT_VJ', 'productive_gdT_VDJ', 'productive_gdT_VJ', 'duplicate_count_B_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_B_VJ', 'duplicate_count_abT_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_abT_VJ', 'duplicate_count_gdT_VDJ', 'duplicate_count_gdT_VJ', 'isotype', 'isotype_status', 'locus_status', 'chain_status', 'rearrangement_status_VDJ', 'rearrangement_status_VJ'
    • not sure implementing it like adata[:, adata.var.something] make sense as it's not really row information in the data slot?
    • also the base slot in Dandelion is .data, and doesn't make sense for .metadata to be the 'row'
    • maybe scverse/scirpy#327 can come up with a better strategy and i can adopt that later on.


  • created a new function ddl.pp.check_contigs as a way to just check if contigs are ambiguous, rather than outright removing them. I envisage that this will eventually replace simple mode in ddl.pp.filter_contigs in the future.
    • new column in .data: ambiguous, T/F to indicate whether contig is considered ambiguous or not (different from cell level ambiguous).
    • the .metadata and several other functions ignores any contigs marked as T to maintain the same behaviour
    • The largest difference between ddl.pp.check_contigs and ddl.pp.filter_contigs is that the onus is on the user to remove any 'bad' cells from the GEX data (illustrated in the tutorial) with check_contigs whereas this happens semi-automatically with filter_contigs.

ddl.update_metadata now comes with a 'by_celltype' option

  • This brings a new feature - B cell, alpha-beta T cell and gamma-delta T cell associated columns for V,D,J,C and productive columns!
    • this is achieved through a new .retrieve_celltype subfunction in the Query class, which breaks up the retrieval into the 3 major groups if by_celltype = True.
    • No longer the need to guess which belongs to which and allows for easy slicing! This does cause a bit of .obs bloating.
    • Which leads to the removal of constant_status_VDJ, constant_status_VJ, productive_status_VDJ, productive_status_VJ as the metadata is getting bloated with the slight rework of Dandelion metadata slot to account for the new B/abT/gdT columns


  • Calculates a cell-level representation of productive vs non-productive contigs.
    • Plotting is achieved through pl.productive_ratio


  • Computes PCA on a cell-level representation of V/J gene usage across designated groupings
    • uses scanpy.pp.pca internally
    • Plotting can be achieved through

bug fixes

  • fix cell ordering issue scverse/scirpy#347
  • small refactor of ddl.pp.filter_contigs
    • moved some of the repetitive loops into callable functions
    • deprecate filter_vj_chains argument and replaced with filter_extra_vdj_chains and filter_extra_vj_chains to hopefully enable more interpretable behaviour. fixes #158
    • umi adjustment step was buggy but i have now made the behaviour consistent with how it functions in ddl.pp.check_contigs
  • rearrangement_status_VDJ and rearrangement_status_VJ (renamed from rearrangement_VDJ_status and rearrangement_VJ_status) from now gives a single value for whether a chimeric rearrangement occured e.g. TRDV pairing with TRAJ and TRAC as in this paper:
  • fixed issues with progress bars getting out of hand
  • fixed issue with crashing if more than 1 type of loci is found in the data.
    • now a B, abT and gdT prefix will be appended to BCR/TR-ab/TR-gd clones.
  • check_contigs, find_clones and define_clones were removing non-productive contigs even though there's no need to. May cause issues with filter_contigs... but there's a problem for next time.
  • fix issue with min_size in network not behaving as intended. switch to using connected components to find which nodes to trim

other changes

  • new column chain_status, to summarise the reworked locus_status column.
    • Should contain values like ambiguous, Orphan VDJ, Single pair etc, similar to chain_pairing in scirpy.
  • Also fixed the ordering of metadata to make it more presentable, instead of just randomly slotting into the data frame.
  • ddl.concat now allows for custom suffix/prefix - only operates on sequence_id
  • remove .edges from Dandelion class because this doesn't get used anywhere and it's also stored in the networkx graphs
  • minimum spanning tree construction performed using networkx directly so that i don't have to keep changing the adjacency matrices from pandas to networkx back and forth
  • clean up documentation slightly

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.4