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weekly tests

weekly tests #76

Re-run triggered April 28, 2024 06:19
Status Failure
Total duration 1m 8s


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Matrix: tests
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10 errors and 2 warnings
tests (3.10, macos-latest)
No installed conda 'base' environment found at !If you are using this action in a self-hosted runner that already provides its own Miniconda installation, please specify its location with a `CONDA` environment variable. If you want us to download and install Miniconda or Miniforge for you, add `miniconda-version: "latest"` or `miniforge-version: "latest"`, respectively, to the parameters for this action.
tests (3.11, macos-latest)
No installed conda 'base' environment found at !If you are using this action in a self-hosted runner that already provides its own Miniconda installation, please specify its location with a `CONDA` environment variable. If you want us to download and install Miniconda or Miniforge for you, add `miniconda-version: "latest"` or `miniforge-version: "latest"`, respectively, to the parameters for this action.
tests (3.9, macos-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_10_macos-latest" failed.
tests (3.9, macos-latest)
No installed conda 'base' environment found at !If you are using this action in a self-hosted runner that already provides its own Miniconda installation, please specify its location with a `CONDA` environment variable. If you want us to download and install Miniconda or Miniforge for you, add `miniconda-version: "latest"` or `miniforge-version: "latest"`, respectively, to the parameters for this action.
tests (3.11, ubuntu-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_10_macos-latest" failed.
tests (3.11, ubuntu-latest)
The operation was canceled.
tests (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_10_macos-latest" failed.
tests (3.9, ubuntu-latest)
The operation was canceled.
tests (3.10, ubuntu-latest)
The job was canceled because "_3_10_macos-latest" failed.
tests (3.10, ubuntu-latest)
The operation was canceled.
tests (3.10, macos-latest)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache@v3, conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2. For more information see:
tests (3.11, macos-latest)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache@v3, conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v2. For more information see: