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Zyx is machine learning library written in Rust. This README is a quick tutorial for people already familiar with tensors and other machine learning concepts. For more comprehensive documentation please see our book.


Most ML models can be created with just tensors and operations on them. Tensors must be stored somewhere. Zyx can use both RAM and VRAM (on the gpu) to store tensors.

Please do not directly add zyx as your dependency. Instead add one of the backends: zyx-opencl, zyx-cpu.

This is how you add gpu backend.

cargo add zyx-opencl

Initialize the device in your code.

let dev = zyx_opencl::device()?;

Now you can create tensors.

let x = dev.randn([2, 2], DType::F32);
let y = dev.tensor([[2., -3.], [4., 1.]]);

And do some mathematical operations on these tensors.

let z = (&x + &y).exp() - &x;

Automatic differentiation 👍

Zyx allows for arbitrary differentiation. Using the previously created tensors we calculate derivative of z w.r.t. x and y.

let grads = z.backward([&x, &y]);

You can also calculate higher order derivatives.

let grad_xx = grads[0].unwrap().backward([&x]).unwrap();

Optimizers ⚙️

Optimizers optimize something (usually minimize loss). For this they need to know what is the derivative of loss w.r.t. model's parameters.

let optimizer = zyx_optim::SGD { learning_rate: 0.01, momentum: 0.9, ..Default::default() };
let loss = (model.forward(&x) - &label).pow(2);
let grads = loss.backward(&model);
optimizer.update(&mut model, grads);

Optimizer updates model's parameters with gradients.

Performance 🚀

Thanks to its execution model, Zyx should use minimum amount of RAM. As for the backends, compiled backends (such as zyx-opencl) automatically fuse operations and create custom kernels. In case of hardware where these backends seem slow you can always use zyx-torch backend. Native rust CPU backend is slow and should not be used. It currently serves only as reference backend.


Initialize devices (you need to add appropriate crate to you project).

let opencl = zyx_opencl::default();
let cpu = zyx_cpu::default();
let torch = zyx_torch::default();

Initialize tensors.

let x = dev.tensor([[2, 3, 1], [5, 2, 8]]);
let x = dev.randn([3, 2, 1], DType::F32);
let x = dev.uniform([3, 2, 1], -1..27);
let x = dev.zeros([3, 2, 1], DType::F32);
let x = dev.ones([3, 2, 1], DType::I32);
let x = dev.full([3, 2, 1], 4.);
let x = dev.eye(3, DType::F16);

Index tensors.

let x = dev.randn([2, 3, 4, 5], DType::F32);
let z = x.get((.., 2, 1..-2, ..-1));
let v: f32 = x.get((1, 2, .., -1)).item().unwrap();

IO operations."model.safetensors");

Custom models.

cargo add zyx-nn
use zyx_nn::{IntoTensor, Tensor, Backend};

struct MyModel<B: Backend> {
    l0: zyx_nn::Linear<B>,
    l1: zyx_nn::Linear<B>,

impl<B: Backend> MyModel<B> {
    fn forward(&self, x: impl IntoTensor<B>) -> Tensor<B> {
        let x = self.l0.forward(x).relu();


  1. Correctness
  2. Hardware support
  3. Performance

Notes 🤔

Unlike other libraries, zyx does not require identifying which tensors will be differentiated beforehand, that means there is no traced() or requires_grad. Everything is automatically handled with performance in mind. Behind the scenes zyx actually waits with execution of the graph until it knows if it needs to store intermediate tensors for backpropagation or not, and so it does not unnecessarily allocate memory.



Thanks ❤️

For contributing to Zyx, finding bugs and using it in your ML models.


Dual licensed with MIT and Apache 2.0