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Nagios / Icinga Plugins

A fork of focused on feature enhancements to the Cisco Stack plugin (which is originally a Python rewrite of

Current enhancements include:

  • SNMP version 2(c) and 3 (SNMPv3) support.
  • Support of all SNMP parameters, as detailed at
    • Allows for any combination of SNMPv3 parameters.
    • Provides for setting of timeouts, retries, remote port, and all other current and future parameters.
    • Only connection-related options have been tested / are supported. Some advanced options may cause the program to behave unexpectedly.
  • Support for Cisco VSS (Virtual Switching System) mode.
  • Option for setting expected size range of stack ring.
  • Show # of members in output, and show in sorted order.
  • Supplying of secrets / passwords (community string / AuthPass / PrivPass) from a keyed file (or files) for security.
  • Minor performance optimizations.

Full backwards compatibility with the forked version is currently maintained.


  1. Ensure that the Python library netsnmp is installed.
    1. For CentOS 7, sudo yum install net-snmp-python.
  2. Copy scripts into the Nagios/Icinga plugin directory.
    1. is all that is currently required for the Cisco Stack plugin.


Basic Usage

Traditional examples, INSECURE! Uses SNMPv1, and passwords passed on the command-line.

Insecure Cisco IOS Setup

snmp-server community insecureCommunityString RO

Insecure Command-Line Examples

./ -H --snmp-Community insecureCommunityString

... or slightly better (still not using SNMPv3):

./ -H --community-file ~/snmp.auth --community-key switch1

Where ~/snmp.auth is a "Java" properties file, such as:


Nagios / Icinga 1.x Configuration Samples

Create a command definition

# 'check_cisco_stack' command definition
define command{
	command_name    check_cisco_stack
	command_line    $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$

Define a service for the stack

define service{
	use   generic-service   ; Inherit default values from a template
	servicegroups   <group name> ;
	host_name <stack hostname>
	service_description Cisco Stack
	check_command check_cisco_stack! -H <ip address> -c <community>

SNMPv3 Usage

SNMPv3 Cisco IOS Setup

(Good) Simple (strong authentication):

snmp-server group zzz-stackview v3 auth
snmp-server user zzz-stackmonitor zzz-stackview v3 auth sha somePassword

(Better) Add some principles of least privilege:

! cswSwitchInfoEntry.1
snmp-server view zzz-stackview included
! cswSwitchInfoEntry.6
snmp-server view zzz-stackview included
! cswGlobals.3
snmp-server view zzz-stackview included
snmp-server group zzz-stackview v3 auth read zzz-stackview
snmp-server user zzz-stackmonitor zzz-stackview v3 auth sha somePassword

(Best) Add privacy (encryption), replacing only the last line from above:

snmp-server user zzz-stackmonitor zzz-stackview v3 auth sha someAuthPassword priv aes 128 somePrivPassword

Note that only "AES" (default 128, not 192 or 256) and "DES" (not 3DES) are supported. See

Secure Command-Line Examples


$ ./ -H --snmp-Version 3 \
	--snmp-SecName zzz-stackmonitor --snmp-SecLevel 'authNoPriv' \
	--snmp-AuthProto SHA --auth-file ~/snmp.auth --auth-key switch1


$ ./ -H --snmp-Version 3 \
	--snmp-SecName zzz-stackmonitor --snmp-SecLevel 'authPriv' \
	--snmp-AuthProto SHA --auth-file ~/snmp.auth --auth-key switch1-auth \
	--snmp-PrivProto AES --priv-key switch1-priv

Sample Outputs

Cisco Stack OK - 5 Members:: 1: ready, 2: ready, 3: ready, 4: ready, 5: ready, Stack Ring is redundant.

or in VSS mode:

Cisco Stack OK - VSSwitchMode: multiNode, cvsSwitchConvertingStatus: false. VSL:: 102: UP (2/2), 103: UP (2/2). Chassis:: 2: active, up 111 days, 3:19:03, 3: standby, up 111 days, 3:19:03.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.