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Pyckage Cookiecutter




Python 3.8 | Python 3.9 | Python 3.10 | Python 3.11 | Python 3.12



This projects consist of a cookiecutter template that generates a full structure for a creating a PyPi standard package.

While using this project, you will be asked to provide some inputs such as the author, the name of the project, etc. As result you will obtain the complete file and folder structure to quickly start to code your package.

How to Use


Let's pretend you want to create a project called "feddit". By using this template based on cookiecutter, you will be able to quickly setup a buildable PyPi package.

First, get cookiecutter. Trust me, it's awesome:

$ pip install cookiecutter

or with poetry:

$ poetry self add cookiecutter

Now run it against this repo:

$ cookiecutter


$ poetry run cookiecutter

You'll be prompted for some values. Provide them, then a project will be created for you.

Warning: After this point, change 'My Awesome Project', 'John Doe', etc to your own information.

Answer the prompts with your own desired Prompts. For example:

Cloning into 'pyckage-cookiecutter'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 219, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (219/219), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (123/123), done.
remote: Total 219 (delta 83), reused 181 (delta 69), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (219/219), 41.09 KiB | 1.71 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (83/83), done.
  [1/8] Select your project name (My Awesome Project):
  [2/8] Project URL for hosting the source code. (
  [3/8] Author full name. (John Doe): John Doe
  [4/8] Author email address. (
  [5/8] Short description. (Behold My Awesome Project!): A fake reddit API.
  [6/8] Semantic version to use for release. (0.1.0): 0.1.0
  [7/8] Which license do you want to use for your project?
    1 - None
    2 - MIT
    3 - APACHE
    4 - 2-Clause BSD
    5 - 3-Clause BSD
    6 - GPL
    Choose from [1/2/3/4/5/6] (1): 2
  [8/8] Which CI/CD pipelines do you plan to use?
    1 - None
    2 - GitHub
    3 - GitLab
    4 - Bitbucket
    Choose from [1/2/3/4] (1): 2
**Please read the comments from README.rst in your project to get to know how to setup the CI/CD pipeline and use commands from Makefile.**

Enter the project and take a look around:

$ cd feddit/
$ ls

Your repo should have the following structure:

├── .github                         - github actions configurations
│   └── workflows
│       ├── test.yml                - pipelines for linting checks and testing
│       ├── release.yml             - pipelines for releases with tags
│       └── sphinx.yml              - pipelines for publishing github pages
├── docs                            - sphinx documentation
│   ├── Makefile                    - Makefile defines terminal commands for sphinx documentation
│   └── source                      - documentation source folder
│       ├── 01_about.rst
│       ├── 02_source.rst
│       ├── 03_authors.rst
│       ├── 04_contributing.rst
│       ├──                 - sphinx configuration file
│       └── index.rst
├── feddit
│   └──
├── tests                           - tests
│   ├── resources                   - resources used in tests
│   ├──                 - fixtures in tests
│   └──             - test version information.
├── .gitignore
├── CONTRIBUTING.rst                - contributing guidelines
├── Makefile                        - predefined terminal commands
├──                     - commands, one per line, instructing setuptools to add or remove some set of files from the sdis
├── README.rst                      - package information
├── setup.cfg                       - configurations for flake8, since it doesn't support pyproject.toml.
└── pyproject.toml                  - package configuration file

If you want to use CI/CD pipeline for uploading your package to PyPi, please check the section CI/CD configuration.


  • This repo is built as a wheel package and uploaded to PyPi. You can install it through pip:

    $ pip install pyckage-cookiecutter

    or through poetry:

    $ poetry self add pyckage-cookiecutter

    And start generating a new project by call:

    $ pyckage_cookiecutter


    $ poetry run pyckage_cookiecutter

    The rest is the same as the Tutorial introduced.

CI/CD Pipelines

The CI/CD pipelines are predefined in the generated project. Please check following sections for which steps are included and how to configure them in different platforms.

GitHub Actions

You can find all the configuration files of GitHub Actions in .github/workflows folder.

Config File Steps Trigger Rules Requisite CI/CD Variables CI/CD Variables description



mypy check


flake8 check


bandit check


test with python 3.8 (Ubuntu/Mac OS/Windows)


test with python 3.9 (Ubuntu/Mac OS/Windows)


test with python 3.10 (Ubuntu/Mac OS/Windows)


test with python 3.11 (Ubuntu/Mac OS/Windows)


test with python 3.12 (Ubuntu/Mac OS/Windows)


twine check the built package

  • Pushes to master/develop branches
  • Pull Requests to master/develop branches
release.yml deploy to PyPi

Pushes to tags matching vXX.XX.XX +








Token for uploading package to official PyPi. If you're using a private artifactory, please use the variables PACKAGE_INDEX_REPOSITORY_URL, PACKAGE_INDEX_USERNAME, and PACKAGE_INDEX_PASSWORD instead.


URL of Private package index.


Username of Private package index.


Password of Private package index.

sphinx.yml deploy GitHub pages Pushes to master branch


  • Before publishing the GitHub pages of your project for the first time, please manually create the branch gh-pages via:

    $ git checkout master
    $ git checkout -b gh-pages
    $ git push origin gh-pages
Setup Steps
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Secrets section.
  3. Click New repository secret button.
  4. Input the name and value of a CI/CD variable.

GitLab CI

The file .gitlab-ci.yml contains all the configurations for GitLab CI.


+---------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Stages | Steps | Trigger Rules | Requisite CI/CD Variables | CI/CD Variables description | +=========+=================================+===========================================+==============================+===========================================================+ | | mypy check | | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | linting | flake8 check | + Pushes to master/develop branches | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | | bandit check | + Any Merge Requests | | | +---------+---------------------------------+ | | | | | test with python 3.8 | | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | test | test with python 3.9 | | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | | test with python 3.10 | | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | | test with python 3.11 | | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | | test with python 3.12 | | | | +---------+---------------------------------+ | | | | build | twine check the built package | | | | +---------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | Token for uploading package to official PyPi. If you're | | | | | POETRY_PYPI_TOKEN_PYPI | using a private artifactory, please use the variables | | | | | | PACKAGE_INDEX_REPOSITORY_URL, PACKAGE_INDEX_USERNAME, | | | | | | and PACKAGE_INDEX_PASSWORD instead. | | | | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | deploy | deploy to PyPi | Pushes to tags matching vXX.XX.XX | PACKAGE_INDEX_REPOSITORY_URL | URL of Private package index. | | | | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | PACKAGE_INDEX_USERNAME | Username of Private package index. | | | | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | PACKAGE_INDEX_PASSWORD | Password of Private package index. | +---------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+

Setup Steps
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click CI/CD section.
  3. Go to Variables section.
  4. Click Add variable button.
  5. Input the name and value of a CI/CD variable.

    By default, the flag protected is checked, which means the added variable can only be used for protected branches/tags. If you want to keep your variable protected, please add wildcards v* as protected tags in Settings -> Repository -> Protected tags.

    Or you can uncheck the box to use the variable for all branches and tags.

Bitbucket Pipelines

The file bitbucket-pipelines.yml contains all the configurations of Bitbucket Pipelines.


+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Steps | Trigger Rules | Requisite CI/CD Variables | CI/CD Variables description | +=================================+===========================================+==============================+===========================================================+ | mypy check | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | flake8 check | + Pushes to master/develop branches | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | bandit check | + Any Pull Requests | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | test with python 3.8 | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | test with python 3.9 | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | test with python 3.10 | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | test with python 3.11 | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | test with python 3.12 | | | | +---------------------------------+ | | | | twine check the built package | | | | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | Token for uploading package to official PyPi. If you're | | | | POETRY_PYPI_TOKEN_PYPI | using a private artifactory, please use the variables | | | | | PACKAGE_INDEX_REPOSITORY_URL, PACKAGE_INDEX_USERNAME, | | | | | and PACKAGE_INDEX_PASSWORD instead. | | deploy to PyPi | Pushes to tags matching vXX.XX.XX +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | PACKAGE_INDEX_REPOSITORY_URL | URL of Private package index. | | | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | PACKAGE_INDEX_USERNAME | Username of Private package index. | | | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | PACKAGE_INDEX_PASSWORD | Password of Private package index. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+

Setup Steps
  1. Go to Repository settings.
  2. Click Repository variables.
  3. Click add button.
  4. Input the name and value of a CI/CD variable.

    You need to enable pipelines before adding a new variable for the first time.


Command Description
clean Remove autogenerated folders and artifacts.
clean-pyc Remove python artifacts.
clean-build Remove build artifacts.
bandit Run bandit security analysis.
mypy Run mypy type checking.
flake8 Run flake8 linting.
install Install all the dependencies and the package itself.
test Run tests and generate coverage report.
build Build wheel package.
publish Publish the built wheel package.


Special thanks to the project cookiecutter-pypackage for the nice CONTRIBUTING.rst template.
