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a vue-audio-player based on Howler.js,The animation of the player is interacted with reference to IOS dynamic island.

Additional information, live demos and a user showcase are available at

welcome to create issue, help improve the player :)


  • A set of Vue components out of the box.
  • Single API for all audio needs
  • Defaults to Web Audio API and falls back to HTML5 Audio
  • Supports all codecs for full cross-browser support
  • Full control for fading, rate, seek, volume, etc.
  • Customize the theme freely
  • No outside dependencies, just pure JavaScript

Browser Compatibility

Tested in the following browsers/versions:

  • Google Chrome 7.0+
  • Firefox 4.0+
  • Safari 5.1.4+
  • Mobile Safari 6.0+ (after user input)
  • Opera 12.0+
  • Microsoft Edge

Live Demo


$ npm i vue-dynamic-island-player

Quick Start

<script setup>
import { DynamicIslandPlayer } from 'vue-dynamic-island-player'
import "../node_modules/vue-dynamic-island-player/style.css"; //引入组件样式
import { ref } from 'vue'

const playList = ref([
    // song of title
    title: 'Rave Digger',
    // sound file
    file: '',
    // howler instance
    howl: null,
    // song of author
    author: 'Cherrystones',
    // song of cover
    cover: cover1
const player = ref()

        <DynamicIslandPlayer ref="player"/>

API Docs

Props Attributes

Attribute Description type Accepted Values default
playList songs of list Array - -
volume sound volume Number 0.0 ~ 1.0 0.5
html5 set to true to force HTML5 Audio Boolean true/ false true
theme custom the theme String accept Hexadecimal color or picture -


Methods Description Parameters
getSoundState() return the current sound state (playing / pause) -
setVolume() set sound volume, range 0.0 to 1.0 function(0.8)
setMute() Mutes the sound, but doesn't pause the playback function(Boolean) True to mute and false to unmute.
setRate() set rate of playback, range 0.5 to 4.0, with 1.0 being normal speed function(2.0)
seekBySeconds() Get/set the position of playback for a sound function(Number) skip to a second of sound.
toggle() toggle the sound play or /pause -
playNext() skip to next song -
playPrevious() back to previous song -


Event Name Description Parameters
play triggers when click play -
pause triggers when click pause -
next triggers when click next -
previous triggers when click previous -


vue-dynamic-island-player is open source software licensed as MIT.