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zhaojh329 edited this page Jun 4, 2017 · 5 revisions


Evmongoose is an asynchronous, event(libev) based multi-protocol embedded networking library with functions including TCP, HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT and much more. It is based on mongoose and libev implementation and it's support Lua API.

Evmongoose supports highly customized to extend your application. Before I started this project, I had never found a HTTP server library that was satisfied with the event based framework, and those HTTP server libraries could only loop it'sown objects and could not add my own objects. For example, I want to monitor a signal or a file through the event.


  • New from evmongoose

    • Using libev programming
    • Highly customized to extend your application based on libev
    • Lua API(Depends on lua-ev)
  • Inherited from mongoose

    • plain TCP, plain UDP, SSL/TLS (over TCP, one-way or two-way)
    • Alternative openssl and mbedtls
    • HTTP client, HTTP server
    • Proxy
    • WebSocket client, WebSocket server
    • MQTT client, MQTT broker
    • CoAP client, CoAP server
    • DNS client, DNS server, async DNS resolver
    • Url Rewrite

How To Compile

For Ubuntu

Install dependency Libraries

  • libev-dev libssl-dev lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev sudo apt install libev-dev libssl-dev lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev

  • lua-ev git clone cd lua-ev cmake . -DINSTALL_CMOD=$(lua -e "for k in string.gmatch(package.cpath .. ";", "([^;]+)/;") do if k:sub(1,1) == "/" then print(k) break end end") make && sudo make install

Install Evmongoose(HTTPS Support Default)

git clone
cd evmongoose
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make && sudo make install

Install Evmongoose(Disable HTTPS Support)

git clone
cd evmongoose
mkdir build
cd build
make && sudo make install


git clone
cp -r lua-ev-openwrt openwrt_dir/package/lua-ev

git clone
cp -r evmongoose/openwrt openwrt_dir/package/evmongoose

cd openwrt_dir
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install -a

make menuconfig
Libraries  --->
    Networking  --->
        <*> evmongoose
            Configuration  --->
                SSl (mbedtls)  --->

make package/evmongoose/compile V=s

C API reference manual

Evmongoose dose not change the usage of API in mongoose and libev, so please refer to the API Manual of mongoose and libev. Only one thing to notice is that mg_mgr_poll is no longer invoked when using evmongoose.

In addition, evmongoose added a new API: mg_mgr_set_loop, which is used to set libev's loop for Mgr. If the function is not called, the Mgr will use the default loop:EV_DEFAULT.

How To Contribute

Feel free to create issues or pull-requests if you have any problems.

Please read before pushing any changes.

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