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Copyright (c) 2019-2024 by François Galea (fgalea à

This is a pure Lua implementation of a depacker for the zlib DEFLATE(RFC1951)/GZIP(RFC1952) file format. zzlib also allows the decoding of zlib-compressed data (RFC1950). Also featured is basic support for extracting files from DEFLATE-compressed ZIP archives (no support for encryption).

The implementation is pretty fast. It makes use of the built-in bit32 (PUC-Rio Lua) or bit (LuaJIT) libraries for bitwise operations. Typical run times to depack lua-5.3.3.tar.gz on a single Core i7-6600U are 0.87s with Lua ≤ 5.2, 0.50s with Lua 5.3, and 0.17s with LuaJIT 2.1.0.

zzlib is distributed under the WTFPL licence. See the COPYING file or for more details.


There are various ways of using the library.

Stream from a GZIP file

-- import the zzlib library
zzlib = require("zzlib")

-- get the unpacked contents of the file in the 'output' string
local output,err = zzlib.gunzipf("input.gz")
if not output then error(err) end

Read GZIP/zlib data from a string

Read a file into a string, call the depacker, and get a string with the unpacked file contents, as follows:

-- import the zzlib library
zzlib = require("zzlib")

if use_gzip then
  -- unpack the gzip input data to the 'output' string
  output = zzlib.gunzip(input)
  -- unpack the zlib input data to the 'output' string
  output = zzlib.inflate(input)

Extract a file from a ZIP archive stored in a string

Read a file into a string, call the depacker, and get a string with the unpacked contents of the chosen file, as follows:

-- import the zzlib library
zzlib = require("zzlib")

-- extract a specific file from the input zip file
output = zzlib.unzip(input,"lua-5.3.4/README")

Process the list of files from a ZIP archive stored in a string

The zzlib.files() iterator function allows you to span the whole list of files in a ZIP archive, as follows:

for _,name,offset,size,packed,crc in zzlib.files(input) do

During such a loop, the packed boolean variable is set to true if the current file is packed. You may then decide to unpack it using this function call:

output = zzlib.unzip(input,offset,crc)

If the file is not packed, then you can directly extract its contents using string.sub:

output = input:sub(offset,offset+size-1)