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Monorepo for a language learning platform. <3

React Native, ReactJS, NextJS, Babel, Webpack, Redux Toolkit, Reanimated, SST, AWS, Github Actions

Project structure

├── apps
│ ├── dashboard -> admin dashboard
│ ├── extension -> browser extension - React Native Web, Webpack, Babel
│ ├── landing -> landing page / docs - NextJS, ReactJS, Styled-component
│ ├── mobile -> mobile app - React Native
│ └── web -> web app - NextJS, React Native Web
├── cli
├── packages
│ ├── app -> almost implementation goes here
│ ├── ui -> universal UI components
│ ├── icons -> all app icons
│ └── utils -> common utils
│ ├── chat -> deprecated
│ ├── eslint-config
│ ├── tsconfig
├── stacks -> setup SST/deployment
└── tools -> general configuration

Install all dependencies

yarn install

Mobile App

cd apps/mobile

You need to setup .env file in apps/mobile

Prepare google-services.json in apps/mobile/android/app

Prepare GoogleService-Info.plist in apps/mobile/ios

cd ios && pod install # install ios dependencies
yarn start

Web App

Prepare .env please check .env.example

cd apps/web && yarn dev

Chrome extension

Place .env file in apps/extension

Run a dev server for all extension components

cd apps/extension && yarn start

To build in dev mode

yarn build

To build in production mode

yarn build:prod

Landing page

cd apps/landing && yarn dev