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Base on tangbc/vue-virtual-scroll-list

If you are looking for a vue component which support big data list and high scroll performance, you are in the right place.

  • Tiny and very very easy to use.

  • Big data list with high performance.

  • Support fixed height and variable height.

  • Support set the scroll index or offset to any.

  • Event scroll, reach top and bottom can be detected.

Live demos

How it works

Simple usage

Using :

        <virtual-list :size="40" :remain="8">
            <item v-for="item of items" :key="" />

    import item from '../item.vue'
    import virtualList from 'vue-virtual-scroll-list'

    export default {
        data () {
            return {
                items: [ {id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, ... ]
        components: { item, 'virtual-list': virtualList }


  • Must assign the :key property on <item> component or DOM frag with v-for directive.

  • Consider use box-sizing: border-box on <item> if you want absolutely correct scroll height.

Props type

Prop Type Required Description
size Number Each list item height, in variable height mode, this prop just use to calculate the virtual-list outside container viewport height.
remain Number How many items should be shown in virtual-list viewport, so size and remain determine the outside container viewport height (size × remian).
start Number * Default value is 0, the initial scroll start index. It must be integer and in the range of list index, if invalid there will be effected as 0 or the last one.
offset Number * Default value is 0, the initial scroll offset. If both start and offset are assigned at initialization, start is preferred.
bench Number * Default value is equal to remain, unreached items count, not show in virtual-list viewport but exist in real DOM, the larger the bench, the higher the scroll performance will achieved.
debounce Number * It's disabled by default, milliseconds of using debounce function to ensure scroll event doesn't fire so often that it bricks browser performance.
rtag String * Default value is div, the virtual-list root element tag name, in all cases it's style is set to display: block;
wtag String * Default value is div, the virtual-list item wrapper element tag name, in all cases it's style is set to display: block;
wclass String * Default value is an empty string, the virtual-list item wrapper element class, if assign this prop, you better not to change it's CSS box model.
totop Function * Called when virtual-list is scrolled to top, no param.
tobottom Function * Called when virtual-list is scrolled to bottom, no param.
onscroll Function * Called when virtual-list is scrolling, with param: (event, data).
variable Function or Boolean * For using virtual-list with variable height mode. If assign Function, this prop is a variable height getter function which is called with param: (index) when each item is ready to be calculated. If assign Boolean, virtual-list will get each item variable height by it's inline style height automatic.
height Number * Height of the scrolling area.Default vaule is size * remain.

About variable height

In variable height mode, prop size is still required. All the index variable height and scroll offset will be cached by virtual-list after the binary-search calculate, if you want to change anyone <item/> height from data, you should call virtual-list's updateVariable(index) method to clear the offset cache, refer to variable example source for detail.

If you are using variable assign by Boolean, do not set inline style height inside <item/> component, you must set inline style height on <item/> component outside directly, such as:

        <virtual-list :size="40" :remain="8" :variable="true">
            <item v-for="item of items" :key="" :style="{ height: item.height + 'px' }" />

##About safari

Add the following CSS to the parent element of the component.

  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);
  transition: transform ease-in-out 0.38s, visibility 0.38s,
    -webkit-transform ease-in-out 0.38s;


Welcome to improve vue-virtual-scroll-list with any issue, pull request or code review.


MIT License


Base on tangbc/vue-virtual-scroll-list







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