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AhkPedal is an AutoHotkey library meant to facilitate interaction with a USB foot pedal. It allows for arbitrary functions to be run upon a foot pedal button being pressed.


I can only test on foot pedals I own, so for now this only works with the Infinity IN-USB-2 foot pedal. Additionally, please note that the library will only work on 64-bit machines.


Place the AhkPedal.ahk file in your library directory. If you manage your libraries in a different way then you should already know what to do here.


Import the library with #include <AhkPedal>. This brings the AhkPedal class into scope. Use new AhkPedal() to get access to the API. Upon instantiation, an AhkPedal will automatically connect to the USB device and register itself to wait for messages from it.

After creating the AhkPedal, you may use its method SetHandler to register a new pedal handler. Its first argument is the (zero-based) index of the pedal button to assign to, going from left to right (so the left pedal would be 0, the center, 1, and the right, 2). SetHandler additionally takes either or both of the optional arguments onPress and onRelease; these should be a name of a function to call on the respective event.

When instantiating a new AhkPedal, you may use the optional parameter allowRelease to define whether button release events are handled in addition to the normal button press events. By default, it is true. If you encounter issues like the foot pedal becoming unresponsive if you release it too quickly after a press, try setting it to false.


#include <AhkPedal>

pedal := new AhkPedal()

; Send the Enter key when  the center pedal button is pressed.
pedal.SetHandler(1, onPress:="CenterButtonPressed")

CenterButtonPressed() {
    send {Enter}


I would not have been able to come up with the Windows API-related parts of the code without musings from the underground's code. Furthermore, AutoHotkey forum user just me provided relevant 64-bit compatible code.


AutoHotkey library for interacting with foot pedals







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