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A Minecraft Prism-based tool to monitor shared in-game resources.

Panoptès (named from the many-eyed giant in the Greek mythology) is a web tool (with a Rust backend) used to monitor players contributions to in-game shared resources, to check if everyone is playing fair.

It requires Prism to be installed in-game and connects to its MySQL database (read-only) to gather usage statistics.

Panoptès backend is built with Rust nightly and Rocket 5.0-dev. Its frontend is built using VueJS 2 and Vuetify.


  1. Install Rust nightly using rustup, and Node 12+.
  2. Run make install to install front-end dependencies.
  3. Create a Panoptes.toml file at the root of the repository, following the template below. At least, add a database DSN.
  4. Create a front/.env.local file with the following content. You can also use a real environment variable.
    VUE_APP_API_URL=[backend url]

Translations support

To enable translations support—allowing the display_name key of the /ratios endpoint to contain localized data according to the locale query parameter—you must extract the translation files from an existing Minecraft installation, as distributing these files is forbidden.

To do so, execute make extract-translations. If it does not work, e.g. because your installation is non-standard, see options by executing the underlying script with --help. The default locale can be specified in the configuration file, alongside the folder where translations are stored (default to the translations folder at the root of the application).


make run

The first run will be slow to start, as everything needs to be downloaded and compiled. Subsequent runs will be way faster. You can use make start-back or make start-front to only start one part.


To configure Panoptès, you can create a Panoptes.toml file with the following content (all parts are optional; only add the ones you want to override). Default values can be found in the back/Rocket.toml file. You can set in this file any native Rocket configuration too.


directory = "../translations"
default_locale = "fr_fr"


# You can add as many areas as you wish in this section
your_area = { name = "Area name", world = "world", pos1 = [0, 0, 0], pos2 = [400, 256, 800] }


url = "mysql://user:password@host/database"
pool_size = 2

The location of this file can be modified using the PANOPTES_CONFIG environment variable.

You can also use environment variables, the content being a TOML string, e.g. to configure the database DSN:


Read (the manual)

API documentation is available at the / endpoint of the backend server.


TODO, but for the front-end part:

npm run build