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Its the copy of react-native-multiple-image-picker with updated version

What's new for Android : -

  1. Added runtime permission for camera, write permission and if API>=24 FileProvider is added


React Native Multiple Image Picker is a React Native native module wrapping TZImagePickerController for iOS (iOS 8+ for using PhotoKit) and RxGalleryFinal for Android (Android 4.1+). This module allows you to pick multiple images for further processing.

React Native Multiple Image Picker 多图片选择器 是一个 React Native 原生模块,封装了 TZImagePickerController(用于 iOS 8+,因为使用了 PhotoKit)和 RxGalleryFinal(用于 Android 4.1+,尚处于试验阶段)。使用这个模块你可以一次选择多张图片,以供进一步处理。

Known Issues

  • Currently, RxGalleryFinal is still in a pre-release stage and is NOT READY for production yet. Image previews are not presented in correct aspect ratios.
  • The master branch is still using the old React Native import path. If you has upgrade to React Native 0.40+ , please use rn40 branch instead.



  1. Download and copy this libray into node modules folder.
  2. Add RCTMultipleImagePicker to your iOS project.
  3. Add libRCTMultipleImagePicker.a to your Link Binary with Libraries section in Build Phases .
  4. Add TZImagePickerController.bundle to your Resources group and Copy Bundle Resources section in Build Phases .


  1. Download and copy this libray into node modules folder.

  2. Add new MultipleImagePickerPackage() to your getPackages return in android/app/src/main/java/com/your/path/

  3. Add following to your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:

    // permission declaration
    <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="true"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    // in application
  4. Add compile project(':react-native-multiple-camera-gallery-image-picker') to dependencies section in android/app/build.gradle .

  5. Add following to your android/settings.gradle:

    include ':react-native-multiple-camera-gallery-image-picker'
    project(':react-native-multiple-camera-gallery-image-picker').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-multiple-camera-gallery-image-picker/android')


import MultipleImagePicker from 'react-native-multiple-camera-gallery-image-picker';

const options = {
    maxImagesCount: 9,      // Max number of images user can select; if maxImagesCount == 1, Single mode (i.e. Tap to Select & Finish) will be activated.
    selectedPaths: [
    ]                       // Currently selected paths, must be from result of previous calls. Empty array allowed.
MultipleImagePicker.launchImageGallery(options).then((newSelectedPaths) => {
    // newSelectedPaths will be an Array of String, like [ '/path/1', '/path/2' ], and may be used for `selectedPaths` on the next invocation

Error Codes

Code Platform Description
camera_permission_not_granted iOS User has not granted CAMERA permission to your app. Should guide user to Settings > Privacy > Camera .
create_directory_failed iOS The app has failed to create the temp folder for photo processing due to insufficient storage or other system errors.
user_cancelled iOS User has cancelled the image picker.