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TreeView Design Ideas

Satyam edited this page Sep 5, 2012 · 6 revisions

TreeView Design Ideas

Different template types

  • Avoid the YUI 2 concept of having different TreeNode "classes".
  • Instead, you might want to have a nice sugary way to register different TreeNode templates and use them by name. This could be useful if you want to generate a TreeView with mixed types of nodes.
  • The default TreeNode template should just expect a label and optionally take a url.
  • The default TreeNode template should make it easy to choose whether you want the label treated as text or as innerHTML.
  • TreeView should ship with at least one (preferably a few) templates that show how to have a TreeNode with a label and a checkbox, or an editable label, or [insert your favorite feature here]
  • Templates for nodes should have separate DIVs for toggle icon, possibly graphic icon and selection indicator (checkbox or whatever) and content (label or HTML). The DIVs are required to tell apart the clicks on the different active areas of each node. Most important of all a click on the toggle icon should be easily recognizable, the toggle cannot simply be a non-repeating background image on a left padding of the label (as in the suggested implementation)

Data sources

  • JS/JSON TreeViews: if the user includes extra properties, pass those down the templates.
  • Progressive enhancement: Similar to JS TreeViews, often users will be enhancing markup that contains useful extra metadata -- defined in classes, or in data-* attributes, or elsewhere. Related: the author of the TreeView doesn't necessarily have much control over the original markup, so any additional knobs you give them would be helpful.
  • ModelList: It should be easy to construct a TreeView on top of a ML or LazyML.
    • By default, TreeView looks for a "label" field to populate the label and a "children" field for child MLs. However, you can configure TreeView to look for different field names.

Useful built-in features

  • Solid PE. A major use case for TreeView is enhancing some existing navigation.
  • ARIA and keyboard navigation
  • Touch support
  • A basic set of ModelList / ArrayList features like each(), some() ...

Mixins / Extensions

  • I/O Tree -- sugar for loading children by hitting some remote data source (YUI 2 TreeView had this)
  • Persistent Tree -- use localStorage or cookies to preserve the open/shut state of each node across page views. Very useful for any kind of "book" or "documentation" interface. (YUI 2 TreeView did not have this)
  • Router Tree -- A tree that responds to HTML History and reflects the current path -- as the user navigates around from {root}/foo/bar to {root}/baz/zot, the tree automatically closes /foo/bar and opens /baz/zot.
  • Greppable Tree -- add advanced List-like features, like grep(), filter(), ... In response to some event, I need to find a node (according to some criteria) and expand to that node.

Performance data

(I feel this is better suited for a forum post, but I didn't find any better place to put it so, here it goes)

With the help of Zaar Hai I manage to get some solid performance data. Zaar made the Widget-based TreeView with WidgetParent/WidgetChild to handle the relationship. See: Gallery TreeView. I took a different approach, see: Fast TreeView. We all know using Widget for every node is expensive. I didn't know how much so I tested it. For a tree with 781 nodes (it just came out from a tree of four levels deep with 5 nodes per level), the one widget per node approach took around 17 secs, mine about 3.5secs. The real difference, though, was in the memory consumption. Mine took 11MB, the traditional one crashed the Chrome profiler. So, I took the tree one level down to just three levels deep. The traditional took 40MB for just 156 nodes!, mine came down to slightly above 10MB or, seen the other way around, as the tree grows, the memory doesn't go up that much: 156 nodes => 10.2MB, 781 nodes => 11MB. I couldn't test them in Firefox because the 'script is taking too long' popped up all the time.

We all knew the one-widget-per-node was bad, I, for one, simply didn't know how bad. Now I do.

I went to the extreme of not having any active objects for each node, just a plain object per node with no methods or attributes or events. A cache of TreeNode objects are slid on top of any node when needed so there are rarely ever more TreeNode instances than the depth of the tree. In that sense it is like LazyModelList (that stores plain objects, not fully instantiated Models), except that it moves in two dimensions (it adds depth) instead of one. The code is not a complete implementation, it lacks many features, but the extra code for all the features should not worsen the numbers since the number of instances doesn't grow with the number of nodes but with the depth of the tree.


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