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A Python Library for the Analysis of Stream Graphs

This library is an attempt at modelling Stream Graphs. A Stream Graph is a graph whose nodes and links appear and disappear through time. Various methods that facilitate the study of such graphs can be found in this library, both simple (as degree distribution over time) and sophisticated (as maximal temporal-cliques, temporal-centrality measures). This library is hence designed for the analysis of the temporal dimension of evolving networks, such as the communication dynamics in social media.

Stream Graphs were first formally defined by Matthieu Latapy et al. as the generalization of static graphs. They consist of four components: (1) a set of nodes (NodeSet) belonging to the graph, (2) a time interval (TimeSet) representing the graph's lifespan, (3) a set of temporal nodes (TemporalNodeSet) describing instants when nodes are present in the stream, and (4) a set of temporal links (TemporalLinkSet) describing the instants when nodes are interacting in the stream.

Warning: This library is currently under development. Elementary structures and methods may change, with no support for previous versions.

Installing the Library

Update: Version 0.2

  • Changes in interval-dataframe backbone:
    • Continuous (time) intervals.
    • Discrete (time) Intervals are treated differently
  • TODO: More Verification (add continuous bounds for maximal_cliques)

Installing stream_graph

The stream_graph library requires:

  • Python [>=2.7, >=3.5]
  • Numpy [>=1.14.0]
  • Pandas [>=0.24.0]
  • Cython [>=0.27.3]
  • six [>=1.11.0]
  • Nose [>=1.3.0]
  • Cython [>=0.27.3]

In order to allow visualizations, the user should install the latest bokeh library.

Installing Dependencies

To install dependencies:

pip install extension>=extension_version

Or more simply:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Please add sudo if pip does not have superuser privileges.

Installing the master Version

pip install git+

Getting Started

For a first introduction to the library, please have a look at emailEU or visit the tutorials page within the documentation.


The library documentation is available online and automatically generated with Sphinx. To generate it yourself, move to doc folder and execute: make clean hmtl, after having installed all the needed dependencies.


This package has been developed by researchers of the Complex Networks team, within the Computer Science Laboratory of Paris 6, for the ODYCCEUS project, founded by the European Commission FETPROACT 2016-2017 program under grant 732942.



Copyright © 2019 Complex Networks - LIP6

stream_graph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GN General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


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