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Demo of Automated Machine Learning Model Training using Live Streaming Data on AWS

This is a demo of using Sagemaker for automated model training and hyperparameter tuning, with Glue ETL and Step Functions orchestration.

Architecture Overview

ML Demo - HLD

Directory Structure

How to deploy the demo in AWS

  1. Activate Python environment and install dependencies for the project:
virtualenv --python=python3.8 .venv	# this project requires Python 3.8 
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt # install Python dependencies
  1. Modify project_config.cfg if necessary. You may also want to modify the variables in terraform/state-bucket/ (TODO: automate this).

  2. Create a Service Linked Role for ECS using CLI. You may already have this role created if you used ECS in the AWS account before.

aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name
  1. Deploy demo by running the script:
cd terraform

When you deploy the demo for the first time, if you see the following exception, run again. It's likely to be caused by a slight delay in resource creation.

AccessDeniedException: Neither the global service principal, nor the regional one is authorized to assume the provided role.

  1. You need an IG API key to use the IG demo APIs. Follow this page to create a free demo account and generate the API key.

The demo uses AWS Secrets Manager to store the credentials - go to AWS Secrets Manager console, find the newly created secret, and put in the following three key-value pairs:

ig_identifier: [your IG API demo account username]
ig_password: [your IG API demo account password]
ig_api_key: [the API key]
  1. Start the Streamer Client (ECS task) by running sh in the terraform directory.

Customise the pipeline

Some of the key configuration files are:

  • Configuration of the Streameer Client: nodejs-streamer/modules/load_config.js (if you make changes to the client, you will have to build and deploy the docker image yourself)
  • ECS task definition template: terraform/service/template-data-collector-container-definition.json, especially if you want to use your own docker image
  • The Glue job: you can either make changes to glue/glue-etl.ipynb(then export as using jupyter magic) or directly to glue/, depending on your preference
  • Sagemaker model training job and hyperparameter tuning job configurations: sagemaker/training_job_definition.json and sagemaker/tuning_job_config.json
  • State Machine definition: step_function/state_machine_definition.json (however, the training and tuning job definition parts will be overwritten by the two files above)

Do not modify other files, including .tfvars, unless you know what you are doing.

Destroy the deployment

cd terraform