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Play YouTube videos on mobile devices with webview_flutter and IFrame Player API.

This package is largely inspired by the popular youtube_player_flutter, but with the official Flutter support of WebView and simpler state management via provider.


IFrame player

default iframe player view

Decorated player

decorated player view

Why another package?

youtube_player_flutter and its dependency flutter_inappwebview have been in hiatus for a while. It's more reassuring to use the official webview_flutter. Also, the performance issues of youtube_player_flutter are not resolved and make it problematic to use in some situations.

This package aims to solve the problems by:

  • Depends on the official webview_flutter to provide a default IFrame player.
    • WebviewtubePlayer is a WebView and does not bundle with any other widgets.
  • Proper state management with provider.
    • WebviewtubeVideoPlayer combines the default player with customized widgets. The state management is carefully handled, which makes the player more maintainable, testable, and easily customizable.

Supported Platforms

The same as webview_flutter. On Android, hybrid composition mode is used.

  • Android: SDK 19+
  • iOS: 11.0+



Set the correct minSdkVersion in android/app/build.gradle

android {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 19


No configuration needed.


Check out example/lib/ for more details.

Default IFrame player

WebviewtubePlayer(videoId: '4AoFA19gbLo')

Widgets decorated player

WebviewtubeVideoPlayer(videoId: '4AoFA19gbLo')

Configure the player

To configure the player, pass a WebviewtubeOptions to the player.

final options = const WebviewtubeOptions(
    forceHd: true,
    enableCaption: false,

/// `showControls` will always be false for [WebviewtubeVideoPlayer]
WebviewtubeVideoPlayer(videoId: '4AoFA19gbLo', options: options);

To listen to the player value (e.g., video metadata) and control the player (e.g., pause or load other videos), pass a WebviewtubeController and remember to dispose the controller when it's not in need.

// ...
// inside a state of a stateful widget
final controller = WebviewtubeController();

void dispose() {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return WebviewtubeVideoPlayer(
      videoId: '4AoFA19gbLo',
      controller: controller,

Customize the player

Using a proper state management is highly recommended. This package uses provider, but you can fork and use your choice of tools. Check out the source code of WebviewtubeVideoPlayer and make your own player!

With StatefulWidget and setState

Refers to example/lib/customized_player.dart for a use case with stateful widgets.


This package is built upon/inspired by the following packages, for which credit goes out to the respective authors.


A Flutter package to play YouTube videos with IFrame API.






