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This repository is mostly meant for novis to mid level Android programmers, who haven't really digged into LeakCanary yet. I myself used it for the first time recently after delving into Android development for a year. And I am pleasantly surprised how powerful this tool is. This is definitely a must-include tool in every project. At the same time, I was surprised how Android maintains references under the hood for RecyclerViews. With naive expectation that RecyclerView itself should avoid circular references, you can easily fall into a trap of memory leaks. (And that's exactly the kind of reason that Square guys implemented LeakCanary and everybody should use it)

How to use LeakCanary

It's pretty simple to use LeakCanary. As instructed in the README section, you just need to 1. describe dependency in gradle and 2. write a few lines in your Application subclass. And then LeakCanary will alert you of the memory leak in your debug build.

However, as straight-forward as it sounds, there was one pitfall I got into. If you are like me and prefers to press Debug button instead of Run button on Android Studio, LeakCanary doesn't run while you are debugging. You have to stop the debugging, and start the installed debug build from the launcher.

I have summarized this flow into a video, if this helps :

How to use LeakCanary

Two cases you can easily make memory leak around RecyclerView

I have put two cases of memory leaks I encountered into this sample program. All codes are written in Kotlin.

Case 1: RecyclerView.adapter outlives Activity.

Memory Leak:

This sample program follows very standard structure as follows.


Fragment shows RecyclerView and it's adapter provides custom Viewholders. One thing that deviates from standard(!?) structure is that the Fragment keeps reference to the adapter. This reference is meant to reuse adapter even after Activity is refreshed due to rotation etc. We are showing RecyclerView on top of the Fragment, so I think it is a sensible option to match the lifetime of RecyclerView's adapter to the one of the Fragment.

This structure looks memory leak safe because there is no circular references. However, the expectation is false and LeakCanary detects that.

The object reference path provided by LeakCanary looks like this.


To my surprise, this diagram tells me that RecyclerView.mAdapter holds an indirect reference to MainActivity through RecyclerView.mContext. This is not a reference we made ourselves. This is a "hidden" reference, if we may call it.

So, the actual structure with this "hidden" reference (indicated by the dashed lines) is like the next diagram.


You can see there is a beautiful circular reference from MainFragment => MainRecyclerViewAdapter => RecyclerView => MainActivity => MainFragment and so on... Rotation happens, and MainActivity gets recreated, but since MainFragment still lives after rotation and keeps indirect reference to the old MainActivity, the old MainActivity will never reclaimed by GC and leaks.

As a side note, the RecyclerView is always recreated after rotation and reference from MainFragment to the old RecyclerView through Android-Kotlin extension never stays after rotation (indicated by the red cross in the diagram). That's how Android works.

Solution 1

A simple solution is to shorten the lifetime of adapter to match with the one of the Activity.

class MainActivityFragment : Fragment() {
    // Discard permanent reference to the adapter
-   val adapter = MainRecyclerViewAdapter()
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_activity_main, container, false)
    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

        // Recreate adapter instance every time after rotation
-       recyclerView.adapter = adapter
+       recyclerView.adapter = MainRecyclerViewAdapter()
        recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(activity!!)

Every time when rotation happens, you will ditch adapter that holds an indirect reference to the old Activity, so that the Activity will not have a zombie reference.

In terms of structure, we don't have the circular reference we had before, because there is no link from Fragment to adapter now.


The cons of this approach is that you cannot save the temporary state in the adapter, because the adapter is initialized at every rotation. We have to save the temporary state somewhere else, and let the adapter to fetch the state after every initialization.

Solution 2

Another simple solution is to call recyclerView.adapter = null from onDestroyView.

class MainActivityFragment : Fragment() {
    // Discard permanent reference to the adapter
    val adapter = MainRecyclerViewAdapter()
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_activity_main, container, false)
+   override fun onDestroyView() {
+       super.onDestroyView()
+       // Note that this recyclerView is an old one
+       // and different instance from the one in onViewCreated.
+       recyclerView.adapter = null
+   }
    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) 
        // Note that this recyclerView is a new one
        // and different instance from the one in onDestroyView.
        recyclerView.adapter = adapter 

Actually, I was surprised that this approach works. Even if you null out the reference from RecyclerView to adapter, as long as the adapter has a reference to RecyclerView, you still have circular reference. The only way I can comprehend this is that Android nulls out the reference from adapter to the RecyclerView as well when you null out the reverse relationship, thereby eliminating the circular reference.


Summary of case 1

Even though I think solution 1 is by-the-book approach, note that it has a con that you can not let adapter to hold temporary status. If you need adapter to maintain temporary status, then probably better to pick solution 2.

Another interesting point I want to note is that this type of memory leak does not occur with ViewPager. The way the ViewPager set "hidden" references should be a bit different from how RecyclerView does it.

Case 2 : When you created Rx disposable in RecyclerView.ViewHolder, but you didn't/couldn't dispose it

Memory Leak:

This case actually belongs to Rx domain rather than RecyclerView domain, and it is a trivial case in that it happens when you failed to dispose Disposable properly. But I found it not very trivial as of when we should dispose Disposable, and that perspective is specific to the RecyclerView.

class MainRecyclerViewHolder(itemView: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
    val disposable = CompositeDisposable()

    init {
        disposable += AppState.stateSubject.subscribe {
            itemView.textView.text = "Status : $it"

    fun someMethod() {
        println("Doing nothing...")

A custom ViewHolder instance is subscribing to static Rx subject. Apparently in this case the subscription block leaks because we are not disposing the disposable. However, in addition to that, ViewHolder leaks asw well because the subscription block references ViewHolder. And to my surprise, the ViewHolder has a "hidden" indirect reference to Activity, and the Activity leaks too. (It surprised me quite a bit in this case especially because we are placing RecyclerView on a Fragment.)

The object reference path provided by LeakCanary would look like this.


You can see that there is a reference from MainRecyclerViewHolder to MainActivity.


Solution 1

We can dispose disposable in ViewHolder.finalize(). One thing you have to note in this case is that you should reference ViewHolder instance as a weak reference. Otherwise, the subscription block's reference keeps the ViewHolder instance alive, and ViewHolder.finalize() is never called. As a result, disposable.dispose() is never called as well.

     val disposable = CompositeDisposable()
     init {
+        val weakItemView = WeakReference<View>(itemView)
+        val weakSelf = WeakReference<MainRecyclerViewHolder>(this)
         disposable += AppState.stateSubject.subscribe {
-            itemView.textView.text = "Status : $it"
-            someMethod()
+            weakItemView.get()?.textView?.text = "Status : $it"
+            weakSelf.get()?.someMethod()
     fun someMethod() {
         println("Doing something...")
+    protected fun finalize() {
+        if (!disposable.isDisposed()) {
+            disposable.dispose()
+        }
+        println("MainRecyclerViewHolder reclaimed")
+    }

This solution is probably an anti-pattern. Resorting to implementation in finalize() is always frowned upon, because you never know when it will be called. After ViewHolder instance was detached from the window after rotation, finalize() will not be called until the next GC. I haven't observed this, but it is theoretically possible that the detached ViewHolders keeps receiving Rx events even though they are considered "dead" from application's perspective.

But you can save this as a last resort. The "dead" instances will be claimed eventually for sure.

Solution 2

We can create Disposable instance in Activity instance and trickle it down to ViewHolders for their use. This way, we can match the lifetime of Disposable and `Activity.


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
+   val disposable = CompositeDisposable()
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
+   override fun onDestroy() {
+       super.onDestroy()
+       if (!disposable.isDisposed) {
+           disposable.dispose()
+       }
+   }


class MainActivityFragment : Fragment() {
-   val adapter = MainRecyclerViewAdapter()
+   private lateinit var adapter: MainRecyclerViewAdapter
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
+       adapter = MainRecyclerViewAdapter((activity as MainActivity).disposable)
        retainInstance = true


-class MainRecyclerViewAdapter: RecyclerView.Adapter<MainRecyclerViewHolder>() {
+class MainRecyclerViewAdapter(val activityDisposable: CompositeDisposable) : RecyclerView.Adapter<MainRecyclerViewHolder>() {
    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MainRecyclerViewHolder {
        val itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.view_holder_main, parent, false)
-       return MainRecyclerViewHolder(itemView)
+       return MainRecyclerViewHolder(itemView, activityDisposable)


-class MainRecyclerViewHolder(itemView: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
+class MainRecyclerViewHolder(itemView: View, val activityDisposable: CompositeDisposable): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
    val disposable = CompositeDisposable()
    init {
        disposable += AppState.stateSubject.subscribe {
            itemView.textView.text = "Status : $it"
+       activityDisposable.add(disposable)

This solution is perfect in situation where the lifetime of ViewHolder and Activity should match.

However, if there is a possibility that Viewholder instance outlives Activity instance, this solution breaks. After Activity is dead, there will be ViewHolders who cannot receive Rx events. Having said that, I don't come up with any situation that would cause this situation. (i.e., ViewHolder to outlive Activity)

On the other hand, if a ViewHolder instance is detached from the window while an Activity instance is alive, detached ViewHolder could keep receiving Rx events. This scenario is more realistic. If you have multiple Fragments in the Activity and if you are switching the Fragments with ViewPager, a RecyclerView and its ViewHolders on one Fragment could be detached from the window when another Fragment is displayed. In this case, you can trickle down Disposables from the Fragment instead of the Activity, because you want to match the lifetime of the ViewHolder to that of the Fragment.

Summary of case 2

I think the solution 2 can handle all of the cases. You will need to choose whether to match the ViewHolder's lifetime to Activity or Fragment, but that's it.

I don't come up with a situation where ViewHolder instance can outlive parent Activity/Fragment instance, but if you have any idea, I would be pleased to receive a comment.

My lament is that our life would be so much easier if ViewHolder itself had a life cycle callback like onDestroy...


  • Memory leak can happen when RecyclerView.Adapter outlives Activity. But there is a solution for that!
  • Memory leak can happen when you use Rx in RecyclerView.ViewHolder. But there is a solution for that!

I totally didn't have that in my mental model, but according to LeakCanary's reference path, RecyclerView.Adapter/RecyclerView.Viewholder has indirect reference to parent Activity. (Even when you placed RecyclerView on top of a Fragment).

Actual Structure

Bye bye memory leaks. Long live LeakCanary!!


Experiment to see the condition where memory leak happens with RecyclerView






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