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A Fabric client-side mod that captures the client-side perspective of Minecraft gameplay. The list of data that is captured is listed in the documentation below.

This mod requires Fabric Language Kotlin (FLK) mod loader and compiled with FLK version v1.4.0-build.1. Include this version in the mod folder.

Table of content


The mod file can be obtained from the release page. In addition, the CurseForge page is here.

How it works

v0.0.1 spawns two threads: a publisher thread, and a consumer thread. A publisher thread publishes the data periodically into a shared ring buffer by executing a series of functions that pushes the data into the ring buffer. A consumer thread queries next data from the ring buffer and appends the data as bytes into the log files before flushing the buffer.

These threads only run when the player is in the game and is not pausing the game. After the player has left the game, a parser will convert the byte data into a readable json format. At the start of the game, the parser will look for leftover unconverted byte data files and try to convert them again. The mod does thejson conversion only if it is configured in the configuration file.

In case of a late reader scenario, the publisher will append the data at the end of the buffer potentially increasing the size of the buffer. This will result in data being out of the order, which is observable in the converted json file. The time data for each capture instance can be used to sort them again.


The mod is configurable with the following available options:

Field Type Description
useRawId Boolean When converting to json, true if to the use id as their raw form, otherwise to use a namespace identifier [Default: true]
ringBufferSize Int The size of the ring buffer [Default: 16]
useHeapBuffer Boolean True to use heap buffer in the ring buffer, otherwise to use direct buffer [Default: false]
bufferInitialCapacity Int The size of each buffer in the ring buffer [Default 4096]
parallelWriteThreads Int For consumer/parser to write concurrently using threads [Default: 1]
writeMillisecondSleep Int The duration of sleep in milliseconds for publisher [Default: 500]
convertToJson Boolean True to always convert the byte data into json format [Default: true]


The following table is the encoding strategy of the data into bytes. Each byte in the following row is called a byte key, and the encoded data is called a byte data.

Byte keys Key name Description
0 BUFFER An empty space for buffer if any^
1 START The start of the capture instance
2 TIME The system time
3 WORLD The world type
4 BIOME The biome type
5 POSITION The position of the player
6 ROTATION The pitch and yaw of the player
7 HEALTH The heart and hunger level of the player
8 EFFECT The list of status effect on the player
9 FOCUS The target block of the player**
10 INVENTORY The current player inventory**
11 HOTBAR The active hotbar
12 MENU The current opened menu**
13 KEYBOARD The list of pressed keys**
14 MOUSE The list of pressed mouse buttons**
15 MOUSE_POSITION The mouse position**
16 MENU_SLOTS The menu inventory slots**
17 MENU_CURSOR_SLOT The menu item at the cursor**
18 ACTION The in-game action (forward, jump, etc)
19 MOBS The list of visible mobs**
20 BLOCKS The list of visible blocks**
-2 END The end of the capture instance
-1 EOF Used by the converter; to indicate the end of the file*

*Is not present in the byte data

**Is not present in the byte data if the data is not available

^Pretty sure is not present in the byte data

Decoding strategy

Except for the START and END byte key, all byte keys must be followed by a key value. The encoding of the byte data complies with the protocol buffer encoding.

The decoding of long and int data type must follow the decoding of the variable int strategy. The decoding of double follows the Java representation (i.e. IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout).

The following table is the tabulated decoding strategy for key value for each byte keys:

Byte keys Decoding strategy (What to extract next)
TIME time: Double
WORLD worldId: Int
BIOME biomeId: Int
POSITION x: Double, y: Double, z: Double
ROTATION pitch: Double, yaw: Double
HEALTH heart: Double, hunger: Int
EFFECT size: Int, (effectId: Int, duration: Int) <- for size times*
FOCUS blockId: Int, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int
INVENTORY size: Int, (slot: Int, count: Int, itemId: Int) <- for size times*
HOTBAR cursor: Int
MENU menuId: Int
KEYBOARD size: Int, (keyId: Int) <- for size times*
MOUSE size: Int, (mouseButton: Int) <- for size times*
MOUSE_POSITION x: Double, y: Double
MENU_SLOTS size: Int, (slot: Int, count: Int, itemId: Int) <- for size times*
MENU_CURSOR_SLOT count: Int, itemId: Int
ACTION size: Int, (actionId: Int) <- for size times*
MOBS size: Int, (mobId: Int, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) <- for size times*
BLOCKS size: Int, (blockId: Int, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) <- for size times*
END None

*"for size times" means the operation is to be repeated size times.

For example, the following is the minimal byte data.

01 18 02 07 08 -2

When converted, the byte data is translated as follows:

01 - START
02 - "there are 2 ints following this"
07 - "an actionId"
08 - "an actionId"
-1 - END

The tabulated decoding strategy above is also applied in the conversion to json. See the decoder here.

Data capture strategy

This section is to demonstrate the method used to capture data for each byte keys during each capture instance:

Referring to the Yarn mappings

  1. TIME - The system time in milliseconds.
  2. WORLD - The world raw ID provided by the custom enum class, VanillaWorldType.
  3. BIOME - The biome raw ID provided by the custom enum class, VanillaBiomeType.
  4. POSITION - The player position from PlayerEntity.getPos(): Vec3d.
  5. ROTATION - The client camera rotation pitch and yaw from MinecraftClient.getInstance().cameraEntity.
  6. HEALTH - The player health in double from PlayerEntity.getHealth() and hunger in int from PlayerEntity.hungerManager.getFoodLevel().
  7. EFFECT - From PlayerEntity.getStatusEffect(), if the map is not empty, then push the size of the map, and then the status effect raw ID from the map key using StatusEffect.getRawId(StatusEffect), and then the effect duration from the mapped value StatusEffectInstance.getDuration().
  8. FOCUS - Get the HitBlockResult from ray-casting from the camera to 20 blocks ahead of the camera.
  9. INVENTORY - Map the slot number with the slot item, filter out the empty slots, and then if the list is not empty, push the slot number, item stack count, and the item raw ID from Registry.ITEM.getRawId().
  10. HOTBAR - Get the integer from PlayerInventory.selectedSlot
  11. MENU - Get the screen from MinecraftClient.getInstance().currentScreen. If it is an instance of HandledScreen, get the screen handler type. If the returned type is null, then push -2 if the player is in the creative mode or -1 if it is not. Otherwise, put the screen handler type raw ID from Registry.SCREEN_HANDLER.getRawId(ScreenHandlerType).
  12. KEYBOARD - Record the key activity in the Screen instance using KeyLogger interface. Get the list of pressed keys from KeyLogger.getPressedKeys(). If the list is not empty, then push the size of the list and then each of the key id.
  13. MOUSE - Record the mouse activity in the Screen instance using KeyLogger interface. Get the list of pressed keys from KeyLogger.getPressedMouseButton(). If the list is not empty, then push the size of the list and then each of the mouse id.
  14. MOUSE_POSITION - Record the mouse activity in the Screen instance using KeyLogger interface. Obtain the mouse position using KeyLogger.getMouseX() and KeyLogger.getMouseY().
  15. MENU_CURSOR_SLOT - Get the item from PlayerInventory.getCurrentStack(). If the stack is not empty, push the item count and then the item id from Registry.ITEM.getRawId().
  16. ACTION- Filter out the bound game key from the enum class GameKey that is not pressed as a list. If the list is not empty, then push the size of the list and then the enum ordinal.
  17. MOBS - Obtain loaded mobs from World.getEntitiesByClass. Filter out mobs that is not in the camera's field of view and each corner of the mob's bounding box is not visible. The mob visibility is determined by the ray cast of the bounding box to the camera entity. It is considered as visible if the ray does not collide with any solid block.
  18. BLOCKS - Obtain the block in a square of the axis (x, z) centered at the camera position, and then at each block position, find the direct block above and below the block position. Store all blocks in a list and then filter out the blocks the is not in the player's field of view and not visible. If the list is not empty, then push the size of the list and then the block id with their block position.

The capturing strategy may not be optimum. If there are better solution, feel free to open an issue in the issue tracker.

Future Plan

The following is the future plan for this mod.

  1. Block visibility - I found out that block visibility algorithm discards the block above/below the direct block of the block visibility iteration. I may try to iterate each block around the radius centered at the player, but this may affect game performance.
  2. Replaying of data - It would be cool to be able to replay the data. However, I am still figuring out how to effectively store the data seeds and how to replay keyboard + mouse activity at menu.

Other source

This mod enables you to generate the gameplay data by yourself. However, if you need an immediate and structured data, you may take a look at MineRL dataset is a task-based data set that is already structured for you to perform the data mining.

Play Data Project Copyright (C) 2020 Ye-Yu


A Fabric client-side mod that captures the client-side perspective of Minecraft gameplay.








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