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Ben Jackson edited this page Jul 15, 2020 · 1 revision

In early 2020, YCM dropped support for Python 2. But we will maintain critical fixes on a branch named [legacy-py2][] for a period of 1 year.


In order to use the legacy Python 2 support, see this post


Over the past decade, YouCompleteMe has had an at times fractious, but ultimately very successful relationship with Python 2. However, more recently it has been carrying on a simultaneous relationship with Python 3. Indeed all of YCM and ycmd code is Python 3 code, with a lot of gubbins to make it work also on Python 2. This makes the code more complex, requires double testing of everything, and restricts the developers from using certain new language features, ultimately restricting the features we can deliver to users.

On 1st January 2020, Python 2 will be officially end of life. And therefore, so will its relationship with YouCompleteMe and ycmd.