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Getting Started with MERN ECommerce App

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run server

Runs the app node server in the development mode.
On localhost route to view it in the browser.

npm run client

To run the React app server on port (3000) on development mode.

npm run dev

To run both Express & React servers at the same time.

npm run seed:data

To run the seerder script and import dummy data to mongo database.

Starting with React app

  • Cleaning the default settings for the react app.
  • Add git repo to the root directory.
  • Setup bootstrap.css (react-bootstrap pckg).
  • Add basic components (Navbar-Footer-HomeScreen-ProductScreen).
  • Implementing react router.
  • Fetching products data from a dummy json file.

Starting on Express.

  • Add basic products & single product express routes.
  • Fetch data on React from express server (useEffect).
  • Setup ENV Variables on express and link express & react servers to work concurrently (using nodemon).

Starting on MongoDB.

  • Connect to database & create Product - User - Order models.
  • Create a seeder script to seed our dump data to the database (one time run script).
  • Fetching the data from the database.
  • Create a custom Error Handling.

Starting on ReduxJs

  • Setup Redux store with thunk middleware & Redux devtools chrome extension. Add the store as a provider to the app (in index.html).
  • Create products reducer with it's constants and switch through them.
  • Create actions to fetch products & fetch single product and attach the payload to products and error state if there is any.
  • Integrate fetch products and single product actions in products components and use useSelector to get the states from the redux store.

Setup cart functionality

  • Create add to cart handler on (add to cart) button and move to the cart route with product id and quantity params.
  • Create add to cart reducer & action.
  • Store the cart items inside local storage.
  • Set the default carItems state to the local storage cartItems value.
  • Display cart items in the cart route, handle delete action for cart.
  • Add remove cart item reducer and action .

Adding user authentication & authorization (on back-end)

  • In the server, create user authenticate login route controller and return the user if email - pasword matches.
  • Generate JWT token and set it to the user returned object after been authenticated.
  • Add auth middlware to set user data to the req object (req.user) and authorize users to access private routes (like get the user profile route)
  • Add register a new user controller and hash the password from the user model schema (pre save).
  • Add protected endpoints to fetch a user profile and edit it.

Adding user authentication & authorization (on front-end)

  • Create user login reducer & action.
  • Store the logged in user info inside local storage.
  • Set the default user info state to the local storage user info value.
  • Create the user login screen and set the login form to call the login end point and validate the user info and login.
  • Add user logout action and use user state to toggle navbar ui login and logout status.
  • Create the user register screen and set the register form to call the register end point and validate the user info.
  • Login the user directly after register and set the initial value to the user registred info.
  • Create (get user profile & update user profile) routes & conrollers(protected with token) on server.
  • Create user profile (reducer & action) then create profile screen form and fetch the user profile (passing the user token for authorization).
  • Add update profile action to profile screen, set the 'success' state to show succes message.

Starting checkout process

  • Create checkout steps component with links for each step.
  • Create shipping screen form component on the client.
  • Create shipping address state (in cart reducer & save shipping address action) inside cart state, store it's values in the local storage and get it's default value from there.
  • Create payment screen radio selector form component on the client (paypal is the default and only method for now).
  • Create payment method state (in cart reducer & save payment method action) inside cart state, store it's values in the local storage and get it's default value from there.
  • Create place order screen and add all the items info with tax - shipping - total price calculations.
  • Create addNewOrder private endpoint (route - controller) on backend.
  • Fire create order action from (place order btn in place order screen) and store the order in the database and redirect user to the order checkout finish screen.

Complete single order checkout process

  • Create single order get by ID endpoint in the backend, create single order reducer & action on the frontend.
  • Create single order screen and fetch the order info from redux action and use order info inside the screen.
  • Create backend endpoint to update the order with payment information after the order been paid.
  • Create orderPayment redux reducer & action to update the order and set the payment info to it after payment.
  • Create PayPal developer sandbox app, get the app client id and fetch it using paypal route from our node server.
  • Create Paypal SDK script dynamically and add it to the dom.
  • Implement the pay action inside order screen and update the order info to with paymentResult and set the order status to true .
  • Add users orders to user profile screen:
    • Create orderListUser route and controller on the server.
    • Create orderListUser Reducer and action.
    • Add orderListUser action to profile screen and fetch user's orders.
    • Integrate user's orders inside user's profile screen table.

Start with admin dashboard

  • Create protected route to get all users (only for admins requests through adminsOnlyAuthorized middleware).
  • Create users list screen and add it to the admin dropdown menu in the navbar.
  • Add security redirects and logout user resets functionality to the user reducers & logout action.
  • Implement delete user functionality:
    • Create delete user controller and protected route (only admin) in the backend.


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