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Dogs vs Cats

In this repository we will try to build image classification prediction model based on Convolutional Neural Networks architecture using MXNet library for Deep Learning. The data set consist of 25 000 pictures of dogs and cats. The provided images has different sizes.


Make sure that you have Xcode command line tools installed on your macOS. Run following command to install if missed:

sudo xcode-select --install

Next we will install mxnet from source code as it seems the best way to do this now. The installation script will use Homebrew, so make sure that you have following:

echo 'import site; site.addsitedir("/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages")' >> ~/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/homebrew.pth

Next download MXNet source code and run installation script

# Clone mxnet repository. In terminal, run the commands WITHOUT "sudo"
git clone ~/mxnet --recursive

# Install MXNet for Python with all required dependencies
cd ~/mxnet/setup-utils

Prepare Datasets

Our goal is to generate two files, imgdata_train.rec for training and imgdata_val.rec for validation, and the former contains 95% images. This can be done with following steps.

First download train data set from here and unpack it.

Then create corresponding directories and make sure that images belonging to the same class are placed in the same directory:

  • cats - into directory named data/full_train_data/cat
  • dogs - into directory named data/full_train_data/dog

Make sure to create output directories where generated data sets will be stored.

mkdir data/data_set_train
mkdir data/data_set_test

After that we will prepare two .lst files, which consist of the labels and image paths can be used for generating rec files.

python tools/ --list True --recursive True --train-ratio 0.95 data/data_set_train/imgdata data/full_train_data

As result two files with image lists will be generated:

  • data/data_set_train/imgdata_train.lst - train data list
  • data/data_set_train/imgdata_val.lst - validation data list

The class labels will be generated: 0 - cat, 1 - dog

Finaly we will generate the .rec files. We will resize the images such that the short edge is at least 32px and save them with 95/100 quality. We also use 16 threads to accelerate the packing. I believe that bigger image sizes may improve prediction accuracy, but it will result in dramatic increase of learning time, which is which is prohibitive in my hardware setup.

python tools/ --resize 32 --quality 95 --num-thread 16 data/data_set_train/imgdata data/full_train_data

The resulting records will be generated in directory: data/data_set/

Run training

Start training with following command

python src/ --data-train "data/data_set_train/imgdata_train.rec" --data-val "data/data_set_train/imgdata_val.rec"  --image-shape 3,32,32 --network resnet --num-layers 18 --batch-size 128 --num-examples 25000

I believe that bigger number of layers may improve prediction accuracy, but it will result in dramatic increase of learning time, which is prohibitive in my hardware setup.

The sample output for first the four epoch's runs are following:

python src/ --image-shape 3,32,32 --network resnet --num-layers 18 --batch-size 128 --num-examples 25000
INFO:root:start with arguments Namespace(batch_size=128, benchmark=0, data_nthreads=4, data_train='data/data_set/imgdata_train.rec', data_val='data/data_set/imgdata_val.rec', disp_batches=20, gpus=None, image_shape='3,32,32', kv_store='device', load_epoch=None, lr=0.05, lr_factor=0.1, lr_step_epochs='200,250', max_random_aspect_ratio=0, max_random_h=36, max_random_l=50, max_random_rotate_angle=0, max_random_s=50, max_random_scale=1, max_random_shear_ratio=0, min_random_scale=1, model_prefix='./out/model_dogs_vs_cats', mom=0.9, monitor=0, network='resnet', num_classes=2, num_epochs=300, num_examples=25000, num_layers=18, optimizer='sgd', pad_size=4, random_crop=1, random_mirror=1, rgb_mean='123.68,116.779,103.939', test_io=0, top_k=0, wd=0.0001)
[20:50:28] src/io/ ImageRecordIOParser: data/data_set/imgdata_train.rec, use 1 threads for decoding..
[20:50:29] src/io/ ImageRecordIOParser: data/data_set/imgdata_val.rec, use 1 threads for decoding..
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [20]	Speed: 2.54 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.524182
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [40]	Speed: 2.59 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.538281
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [60]	Speed: 2.63 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.536328
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [80]	Speed: 2.53 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.600000
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [100]	Speed: 2.50 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.625391
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [120]	Speed: 2.55 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.626172
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [140]	Speed: 2.50 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.561328
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [160]	Speed: 2.55 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.637500
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Batch [180]	Speed: 2.46 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.619141
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Train-accuracy=0.670312
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Time cost=9360.959
INFO:root:Saved checkpoint to "./out/model_dogs_vs_cats-0001.params"
INFO:root:Epoch[0] Validation-accuracy=0.706250
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [20]	Speed: 2.53 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.593378
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [40]	Speed: 2.65 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.657813
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [60]	Speed: 2.65 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.663281
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [80]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.674219
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [100]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.688281
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [120]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.699219
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [140]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.717578
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [160]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.692187
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Batch [180]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.712109
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Train-accuracy=0.707812
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Time cost=8958.407
INFO:root:Saved checkpoint to "./out/model_dogs_vs_cats-0002.params"
INFO:root:Epoch[1] Validation-accuracy=0.738281
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [20]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.681920
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [40]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.730859
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [60]	Speed: 2.66 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.739453
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [80]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.742188
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [100]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.745703
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [120]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.739453
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [140]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.735156
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [160]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.755078
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Batch [180]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.758984
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Train-accuracy=0.767578
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Time cost=8847.880
INFO:root:Saved checkpoint to "./out/model_dogs_vs_cats-0003.params"
INFO:root:Epoch[2] Validation-accuracy=0.592969
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [20]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.766369
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [40]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.780859
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [60]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.756641
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [80]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.772656
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [100]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.774219
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [120]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.757812
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [140]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.776953
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [160]	Speed: 2.67 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.780078
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Batch [180]	Speed: 2.66 samples/sec	Train-accuracy=0.796875
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Train-accuracy=0.782813
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Time cost=8901.720
INFO:root:Saved checkpoint to "./out/model_dogs_vs_cats-0004.params"
INFO:root:Epoch[3] Validation-accuracy=0.823785

As it can be seen validation accuracy increase, but prediction model should converge in order to gurantee that our CNN is learning something. Unfortunatelly due to hardware limitations I was unable to test over all 300 epochs in order to check if model converge, but interested parties may try this with better hardware setup. With my hardware setup (CPU only, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i3, 8Gb RAM, SSD) training over 300 epochs would take about 740 hours (or one month). I believe that within CUDA-enabled setup it will take rather hours.

The trained models for first four epochs available for download here

Run prediction over trained model

After model training complete we will prepare test data set. And then do predictions over it.

First download test data files from here and unpack it.

Then create list of images in the data set

python tools/ --list True --recursive False --shuffle False  --train-ratio 0.0 --test-ratio 1.0 data/data_set_test/imgdata data/test

After run records generation

python tools/ --resize 32 --quality 95 --num-thread 16 --recursive False --shuffle False  --train-ratio 0.0 --test-ratio 1.0 data/data_set_test/imgdata data/test

Finally run prediction over test data set and trained model

python src/ --image-shape 3,32,32 --rec-prefix imgdata_test --model out/model_dogs_vs_cats --model-checkpoint 4 out/results data/data_set_test

The predictions output will be stored as coma separated file into out/results directory. The sample results output file can be found here


The image classification with Convolutional Neural Networks using MXNet library for Deep Learning








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