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Miscellaneous skills for C, C++11/14/17/20, Python2/3, ECMAScript5/6 and Shell Script


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Miscellaneous Skills

Miscellaneous skills for C, C++11/14/17/20, Python2/3, ECMAScript5/6 and Shell Script.


Given a byte count, converts it to human-readable format and returns a string consisting of a value and a units indicator.

Depending on the size of the value, the units part is bytes, KB (kibibytes), MB (mebibytes), GB (gibibytes), TB (tebibytes), or PB (pebibytes)...

Function Prototype

template<typename CharT, typename ByteT>
CharT const* format_bytes(std::basic_string<CharT>& repr             // (1)
                        , ByteT const bytes
                        , std::size_t const decimal=2u
                        , std::size_t const reduced_unit=1024u);

template<typename CharT, typename ByteT, typename IndicatorT
       , typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<IndicatorT>::value>::type>
CharT const* format_bytes(std::basic_string<CharT>& repr             // (2)
                        , ByteT const bytes
                        , IndicatorT&& indicator
                        , std::size_t const decimal=2u
                        , std::size_t const reduced_unit=1024u);

template<typename CharT, typename ByteT, typename InputIt>
CharT const* format_bytes(std::basic_string<CharT>& repr             // (3)
                        , ByteT const bytes
                        , InputIt first, InputIt last
                        , std::size_t const decimal=2u
                        , std::size_t const reduced_unit=1024u);

template<typename CharT, typename ByteT
       , typename InputIt, typename IndicatorT>
CharT const* format_bytes(std::basic_string<CharT>& repr             // (4)
                        , ByteT const bytes
                        , InputIt first, InputIt last
                        , IndicatorT&& indicator
                        , std::size_t const decimal=2u
                        , std::size_t const reduced_unit=1024u);


using namespace ymh::misc;

std::string s;
std::cout << format_bytes(s, 18446640) << std::endl;

equal to:

std::wstring wcs;  // unicode
auto indicators = { "Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB" };
format_bytes(s, 18446640
           , std::begin(indicators), std::end(indicators)
           , "MB", 2u, 1024u);


17.60 MB

Save std::error_code, boost.system, GetLastError(), user custom error code and error message to class [w]error_t.

Query error information by dump() or dump_backtrace() from class [w]error_t, it can query error domain, value, message by the numbers of [w]error_t.

Function Prototype

(1) User Custom Error

SET_ERROR_CUSTOM[W](error_t&, domain, value, format_string, ...);
SET_ERROR_MESSAGE[W](error_t&, value, format_string, ...);
SET_ERROR_STRING[W](error_t&, format_string, ...);

(2) std::error_code or boost.system

SET_ERROR_CODE[W](error_t&, error_code);
MAKE_ERROR_CODE[W](error_t&, errc_t);

(3) System Error

SET_SYSTEM_ERROR[W](error_t&, ::GetLastError());  // errno

(4) Catch Exception

  // throw exception
} ERROR_CATCH[W](error_t&)

(5) Print Error Message to Stream

void error_t::dump(std::basic_ostream<charT>&);
void error_t::dump_backtrace(std::basic_ostream<charT>&);


using namespace ymh;

error_t err;
SET_ERROR_STRING(err, "Open file %s failed", "error.log");

if (err)  // return true if error occur
  SET_SYSTEM_ERROR(err, ::GetLastError());


File "xxx.cpp", line ?, in <function>: Open file error.log failed
File "xxx.cpp", line ?, in <function>: Success

Unicode and ANSI (byte string) conversion is supported by class codec.

Convert wide char to multi bytes by encode<codepage::cp_xxx, bom::nobomb> and reverse it by decode<codepage::cp_xxx, bom::nobomb>. It can convert one multi bytes to another multi bytes by convert<...>.

Others, it will try convert to local codepage if you use file_text to read file's contents. You can save multi bytes to file by save_file_text<...>.

Attention : may throw std::system_error exception if failed.

Function Prototype

(1) Multi Bytes to Wide Char

std::wstring wtext = decode<codepage::cp_utf8>(u8"utf-8 string");
wtext = UTF8ToUnicode<bom::nobomb>(u8"utf-8 string");"

(2) Wide Char to Multi Bytes

std::string text = encode<codepage::cp_utf8>(L"wide string");
text = UnicodeToUTF8<bom::bomb>(L"wide string");

(3) Convert between Multi Bytes

std::string ntext = convert<codepage::cp_utf8>("ansi string");

(4) Read/Save File Text

std::wstring wtext = read_file_text(L"demo.txt");
save_file_text<codepage::cp_utf8, bom::bomb>("demo.txt", "bingo");


using namespace ymh;

    auto text = file_text("demo.txt");
    auto wtext = decode(text);
catch (std::system_error const& e)


Measure compression ratio. zlib, gzip, bz2, lzma is supported.


usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--chunk-size {4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512}]
              [--name {gzip,all,zlib,bz2}]
              [--level {-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}]

Measure compression ratio.

positional arguments:
  file                  file or directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose             print progress status (default: None)
  --chunk-size {4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512}
                        data chunk's size (metric: KB) (default: 16)
  --name {gzip,all,zlib,bz2}
                        compression algorithm's name (default: all)
  --level {-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
                        controlling the level of compression, all = -2,
                        default = -1 (default: -2)


$ python3 --level=-1 /dev/vda
File: /dev/vda, Length: 40.0 GB, Chunk Size: 16.0 KB
bz2    9 6.61 GB   1.1 h   83.48 10.33 MBps  1.71 MBps    6.05 100.0 0.0 s
zlib  -1 8.74 GB   14.93 m 78.15 45.72 MBps  9.99 MBps    4.58 100.0 0.0 s
gzip   9 8.75 GB   50.93 m 78.13 13.4 MBps   2.93 MBps    4.57 100.0 0.0 s
lzma   0 4.43 GB   3.03 h  88.93 3.75 MBps   425.55 KBps  9.03 100.0 0.0 s


Shell Script