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Local Storage System (local-storage)

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Local Storage System is a cloud native storage system. It manages the free disks of each node and provision high performance persistent volume with local access to application.

Support local volume kind: LVM, Disk, RAMDisk.

Support disk type: HDD, SSD, NVMe, RAMDisk.

Features and Roadmap

Feature Status Release TP Date GA Date Description
non-HA LVM volume Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 volume by LVM
non-HA Disk volume Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 volume by a physical disk
non-HA RAM Disk volume Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 volume by a ram disk
CSI Driver Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 basic CSI driver for dynamic provision
pod/volume schedule Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 schedule pod to the node where the volume locates
disk health monitor Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 monitor disk and predict failure
non-HA LVM Volume expansion Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 expand LVM volume capacity online
non-HA Disk volume expansion NotSupport expand Disk volume capacity
non-HA Disk volume snapshot NotSupoort snapshot of Disk volume
non-HA Disk volume snapshot restore NotSupport restore Disk volume from snapshot
non-HA Disk volume clone NotPlaned clone Disk volume
HA Volume Planed 2020.Q4 2021.Q1 Volume with HA
Replace Disk Planed 2022.Q1 2022.Q1 Replace Disk
Observability Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 Observability
non-HA LVM volume stripe writing support Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 non-HA LVM volume stripe writing support
non-HA LVM volume thin provision support Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 non-HA LVM volume thin provision support
non-HA LVM volume snapshot Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 snapshot of LVM volume
non-HA LVM volume snapshot restore Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 restore LVM volume from snapshot
non-HA LVM volume clone Planed 2022.Q3 2022.Q3 clone LVM volume
non-HA LVM volume mirror Planed 2022.Q3 2022.Q3 mirror LVM volume
volume backup Planed 2022.Q3 2022.Q3 backup volume to external S3
performance optimization Planed 2022.Q3 2022.Q3 performance optimization

Use Cases

Currently, local-storage offers high performance local volume without HA. It's one of best data persistent solution for the following use cases:

  • Database with HA capability, such as MySQL, OceanBase, MongoDB, etc..
  • Messaging system with HA capability, such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc..
  • Key-value store with HA capability, such as Redis, etc..
  • Distributed storage system, such as MinIO, Ozone, etc..
  • Others with HA capability


This is for developing or test, and will deploy local-storage from github repo.


local-storage is a cloud native local storage system, which should be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster with the following requirements:

  • LocalStorage Version: 4.0+
  • Kubernetes Version: 1.18+
  • Node
    • Free disks
    • LVM (Optional)

Step 1: Select and Configure Nodes

Before deploying local-storage, you must decide which Kubernetes nodes for it. The node must have the free disks and also be able to host the applications using the local volume. In addition, you must decide which kind of volume (LVM, DISK or RAM) should be able to provision on each node. Besides, For the node which is already configured with LVM or DISK, you can still configure RAM volume for it by adding "ramdiskTotalCapacity" into the configuration as below.

# 1. List all the kubernetes nodes
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME              STATUS   ROLES             AGE   VERSION
localstorage-10-6-161-21   Ready    master,registry   10d   v1.18.6
localstorage-10-6-161-25   Ready    <none>            10d   v1.18.6
localstorage-10-6-161-26   Ready    <none>            10d   v1.18.6
localstorage-10-6-161-27   Ready    <none>            10d   v1.18.6

# 2. Add local-storage config for each selected node as an annotation, key is ""
$ kubectl annotate node localstorage-10-6-161-27'{"storage":{"volumeKind": "LVM", "ramdiskTotalCapacity": "1GB"}}'
node/localstorage-10-6-161-27 annotated

# 3. Add local-storage label for each selected node, key is ""
$ kubectl label node localstorage-10-6-161-27
node/localstorage-10-6-161-27 labeled

# *** Important notes ***
# can NOT change the order of step 2 and 3

Step 2: Deploy local-storage, CSI Sidecars, and scheduler

# 0. checkout the code
$ git clone
$ cd local-storage

# 1. create a separate namespace for local-storage, e.g. local-storage-system
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/01_namespace.yaml

# 2. create a RBAC, limitrange in the namespace
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/02_rbac.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/03_limitsrange.yaml

# 3. deploy local-storage CRDs
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/crds

# 4. deploy local-storage cluster
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/05_cluster.yaml

# 5. deploy CSI sidecars
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/06_csi_controller.yaml

# 6. deploy scheduler
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/07_scheduler.yaml

# 7. check status of the deployment
$ kubectl -n local-storage-system get pod -o wide
NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP               NODE              NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
localstorage-local-storage-csi-controller-0             3/3     Running   15         13h     localstorage-10-6-161-27   <none>           <none>
localstorage-local-storage-4b6n8                        3/3     Running   0          18m      localstorage-10-6-161-27   <none>           <none>
localstorage-local-storage-dv7nd                        3/3     Running   0          18m      localstorage-10-6-161-26   <none>           <none>
localstorage-local-storage-vzdqh                        3/3     Running   0          18m      localstorage-10-6-161-25   <none>           <none>
localstorage-local-storage-scheduler-6585bb5897-9xj85   1/1     Running   0          15h   localstorage-10-6-161-25   <none>           <none>

Step 3: Create StorageClass

# You should create a storageclass for each volume kind, i.e. LVM, DISK, RAM

# LVM volume storageclass (waitforfistconsumer mode) with expansion capability
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/storageclass-lvm.yaml
# Disk volume storageclass (waitforfistconsumer mode) without expansion capability
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/storageclass-disk.yaml
# RAMdisk volume storageclass (waitforfistconsumer mode) without expansion capability
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/storageclass-ram.yaml

# check for storageclass
$ kubectl get sc
local-storage-hdd-disk   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  21d
local-storage-hdd-lvm   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   21d
local-storage-hdd-ram   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  15d

Step 4: Create PVC

# create a test PVC with LVM local volume
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/pvc-lvm.yaml
# create a test PVC with Disk local volume
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/pvc-disk.yaml
# create a test PVC with RAM local volume
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/pvc-ram.yaml

# check PVC status. It should be in Pending
$ kubectl get pvc
local-storage-pvc-lvm    Pending                                      local-storage-hdd-lvm    3s
local-storage-pvc-disk   Pending                                      local-storage-hdd-disk   3s
local-storage-pvc-ram    Pending                                      local-storage-hdd-ram    3s

Step 5: Deploy Nginx with PVC

# deploy a nginx application which uses the LVM local volume PVC
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/nginx-lvm.yaml
# deploy a nginx application which uses the Disk local volume PVC
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/nginx-disk.yaml
# deploy a nginx application which uses the RAMdisk local volume PVC
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/nginx-ram.yaml

$ kubectl get pod
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-local-storage-disk-fcc89fd9-5jrqb    1/1     Running   0          15d
nginx-local-storage-lvm-759d7d7489-9268f   1/1     Running   0          17d
nginx-local-storage-ram-64d67c975d-4bmt5   1/1     Running   0          15d

$ kubectl get pvc
NAME                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS             AGE
local-storage-pvc-disk   Bound    pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb   100Gi      RWO            local-storage-hdd-disk   15d
local-storage-pvc-lvm    Bound    pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85   9Gi        RWO            local-storage-hdd-lvm    17d
local-storage-pvc-ram    Bound    pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5   50Mi       RWO            local-storage-hdd-ram    15d

Step 6: Check status of local-storage

# check status of local-storage nodes
$ kubectl get lsn # localstoragenode
localstorage-10-6-161-25   DISK         1073741824     default   default   Ready    14d
localstorage-10-6-161-26   LVM          0              default   default   Ready    14d
localstorage-10-6-161-27   LVM          0              default   default   Ready    14d

# check status of local volume and volume replica
$ kubectl get lv # localvolume
NAME                                       POOL                   KIND   REPLICANUMBER   REQUIRED     ACCESSIBILITY     DELETE   STATE   SYNCED   ALLOCATED      REPLICAS                                           PUBLISHED         AGE
pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb   LocalStorage_PoolHDD   DISK   1               5368709120   localstorage-10-6-161-25   false    Ready   true     107374182400   [pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb-kzz6v]   localstorage-10-6-161-25   15d
pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5   LocalStorage_PoolRAM   RAM    1               52428800     localstorage-10-6-161-25   false    Ready   true     52428800       [pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5-cwqrm]   localstorage-10-6-161-25   15d
pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85   LocalStorage_PoolHDD   LVM    1               8589934592   localstorage-10-6-161-26   false    Ready   true     8594128896     [pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85-h6qrq]   localstorage-10-6-161-26   17d

$ kubectl get lvr # localvolumereplica
NAME                                             KIND   REQUIRED     NODE              DELETE   STATE   SYNCED   ALLOCATED      STORAGE    DEVICE                                                                   AGE
pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb-kzz6v   DISK   5368709120   localstorage-10-6-161-25   false    Ready   true     107374182400   /dev/sdf   /dev/LocalStorage_DiskPoolHDD/pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb   15d
pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5-cwqrm   RAM    52428800     localstorage-10-6-161-25   false    Ready   true     52428800       ramdisk    /dev/LocalStorage_PoolRAM/pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5       15d
pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85-h6qrq   LVM    8589934592   localstorage-10-6-161-26   false    Ready   true     8594128896                /dev/LocalStorage_PoolHDD/pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85       17d

Step 7: Check detail info including health of each physical disk

$ k get pd # physicaldisk
NAME                  NODE              SERIALNUMBER          MODELNAME             DEVICE     TYPE   PROTOCOL   HEALTH   CHECKTIME   ONLINE   AGE
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sda   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sda   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sda   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdb   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdb   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdb   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdc   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdc   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdc   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdd   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdd   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdd   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sde   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sde   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sde   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdf   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdf   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdf   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sda   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sda   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sda   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdb   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdb   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdb   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdc   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdc   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdc   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdd   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdd   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdd   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sde   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sde   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sde   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdf   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdf   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdf   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sda   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sda   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sda   scsi   SCSI                8s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdb   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdb   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdb   scsi   SCSI                8s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdc   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdc   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdc   scsi   SCSI                7s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdd   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdd   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdd   scsi   SCSI                7s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sde   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sde   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sde   scsi   SCSI                7s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdf   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdf   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdf   scsi   SCSI                7s          true     31m


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