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Irwin, yo! This file has application specific instructions on how to install IrwinBot on your computer


  1. First, make sure you have Java 8 installed on your computer. You may download it here
  2. Create a new folder (also called a directory) on your computer and name it whatever you'd like. All the bots files will be there.
  3. Download the latest version of IrwinBot.jar and runner.bat and put it in your irwinbot folder.
  4. Click runner.bat. Clicking this file will be how you'll run the bot
  5. A new file called will have been created. When you open this file in a text editor, it'll look something like this:
#Refer to the README file for more information
#Fri Jul 02 09:56:39 PDT 2021

If you haven't already, you'd need to create a bot account on discord and paste the token into this file. The token is bassically the username/password for the bot, so you shouldn't share it with anyone.

  1. Rerun the bot. A new folder will be created called irwins in your irwinbot folder. Copy and paste the irwins you want the bot to access there! Please note that it's reccomended to keep a copy of all irwins in a seperate folder, just in case.

  2. Rerun the bot one last time and invite it to your server