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BERT pruning


This project is based on the BERT, where you can find more information.

Currently, we can run the bash file "" to execute the bert-pruning. The bash file requires two args: mode and GPU device number. For example, the command of using GPU 0 and prune mode is "bash prune 0". Note that the bash file use the bert pretrained model in the parent folder (../Model/), like:

/BERT: the folder of this project
      | The main file for pruning.
   |           # run the pruning.
   |     # run the pruning on SQuAd.
   | # run the multiple stage pruning.
      |--/uncased_L-12_H-768_A_12: small bert model pretrained by google. 
      |--/MNLI_pretrained_model: use uncased_L-12_H-768_A_12 as pretrained model and fine-tune on MNLI with some epochs.


Create a virtual environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate pruning

Download the dataset

python ./other_function/
bash ./

Download the model

mkdir -p Model
wget -P ./Model
unzip ./Model/  -d ./Model/

Pretrain the model

# For GLUE 
bash ./ pretrain 0
# For SQuAD
bash ./ pretrain 0

Prune the model. Set pruning_type to choose the pruning method.

type 0: prune the whole head. For example, prune from 12 heads to 6 heads.

type 1: prune the size of per head. For example, prune from 64 per head to 32 per head.

type 2: granularity pruning on dim K. The granularity must be divide hidden units (768 here), like 1, 128, 256, 768.

type 3: granularity pruning on [Q K V] together. The granularity is 3x768.

type 4: VW. Prune on N dimension. Block size is 1x16, and choose top 4.

type 5: BW. Prune on K-N dimension. Block size is 32x32.

type 7: TW pruning on dim K, consider the whole network but not layer by layer.

type 8: TW pruning on dim K and N, consider the whole network but not layer by layer.

# For GLUE 
bash ./ prune 0
# For SQuAD
bash ./ prune 0

You can find the output file started with task name.




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