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Auditd in Action


  1. See the output of sudo aureport and the underlying events with sudo ausearch --raw or filter them with sudo ausearch --success no. Optionally point to the rules in /etc/audit/audit.rules.
  2. Show the dashboard [Filebeat Auditd] Audit Events ECS and show additional Filebeat modules:
  • [Filebeat System] New users and groups ECS
  • [Filebeat System] Sudo commands ECS
  1. Show the Auditbeat configuration and the raw data in the Discover tab (also point out the host and data).
  2. Show the [Auditbeat Auditd] Overview ECS dashboard.
  3. ssh with a bad password and show the failed login on the [Filebeat System] SSH login attempts dashboard.
  4. SSH with the same user and make it work this time.
  5. For a more fine grained filter run cat /etc/passwd and find the event with tags is developers-passwd-read.
  6. Run service nginx restart and pick the elastic-admin user to run the command. Show the execution on the [Auditbeat Auditd] Executions ECS dashboard by filtering down to the elastic-user user.
  7. Detect when an admin may be abusing power by looking in a user's home directory. Let the ssh check the directory /home/elastic-user and read the file /home/elastic-user/secret.txt (will require sudo). Search for the tag power-abuse to see the violation.
  8. Show /etc/auditbeat/auditbeat.yml that requires sudo privileges and find the call in tags is elevated-privs.
  9. Open a socket with netcat -l 1025 and start a chat with telnet <hostname> 1025. Find it in the [Auditbeat System] Socket Dashboard ECS in the destination ports list and filter down on it. Optionally show the alternative with Auditd by filtering in Discover on open-socket.
  10. Show a seccomp violation by runnin firejail --noprofile --seccomp.drop=bind -c nc -v -l 1025. This will show up as "event.action": "violated-seccomp-policy" in the Auditbeat events. Alternatively you can find the event with dmesg on the shell.
  11. Show the other [Auditbeat System] dashboard and be sure to point out that this is not based on Auditd any more. For example the one listing all installed packages and their version could come in handy if there is a vulnerable binary out and you want to see where you still need to patch.
  12. Change the content of the website in /var/www/html/.index.html. See the change in the [Auditbeat File Integrity] Overview ECS dashboard. Depending on the editor the actions might be slightly different; nano will generate an updated event wheras vi does a moved and deleted.
  13. In the SIEM tab search for 1025 (the port). Drop the process netcat into the Timeline view and see all the related details for it. Add a comment to the event when we opened the port.


Make sure you have run this before the demo.

  1. Have your AWS account set up, access key created, and added as environment variables in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Protip: Use to keep your environment variables safe.
  2. Create the Elastic Cloud instance with the same version as specified in variables.yml's elastic_version, enable Kibana as well as the GeoIP & user agent plugins, and set the environment variables with the values for ELASTICSEARCH_HOST, ELASTICSEARCH_USER, ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD, as well as KIBANA_HOST, KIBANA_ID.
  3. Change the settings to a domain you have registered under Route53 in inventory,, and variables.yml. Set the Hosted Zone for that domain and export the Zone ID under the environment variable TF_VAR_zone_id. If you haven't created the Hosted Zone yet, you should set it up in the AWS Console first and then set the environment variable.
  4. If you haven't installed the AWS plugin for Terraform, get it with terraform init first. Then create the keypair, DNS settings, and instances with terraform apply.
  5. Apply the configuration to the instance with ansible-playbook configure.yml.

When you are done, remove the instances, DNS settings, and key with terraform destroy.

Packer Setup for Strigo

To build an AWS AMI for Strigo, use Packer. Using the Ansible Local Provisioner you only need to have Packer installed locally (no Ansible). Build the AMI with packer build packer.json and set up the training class on Strigo with the generated AMI and the user ubuntu.

By setting cloud: true you won't add a local Elasticsearch and Kibana instance. But you must then add the elasticsearch_user and elasticsearch_password account to that cloud account for the setup to work, add to all the Beats, and restart them.

If things are failing for some reason: Run packer build -debug packer-ansible.yml, which will keep the instance running and save the SSH key in the current directory. Connect to it with ssh -i ec2_amazon-ebs.pem; open ports as needed in the AWS Console since the instance will only open TCP/22 by default.




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