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Nightly Builds

Gerald Versluis edited this page Oct 8, 2021 · 5 revisions

Master branch builds are made available nightly on this feed, giving you the very latest bug fixes and improvements. Please give it a whirl and provide your feedback to help us improve.

Handle with Care
Nightly builds differ from our pre-release builds. These raw, bleeding edge builds may be below the normal standard of a pre-release. In order for a nightly build to succeed it must pass a suite of automated tests. It has received no additional testing.

Nightly builds enable a closer feedback loop with you, our community, as we strive for quality. It also allows you to test and review changes and features that will appear in the next pre-release.

Have Feedback?
Please let us know of any issues you encounter during your testing by completing a report here.

How to Access Nightly Builds

To access the nightly builds, configure a new source in your IDE's NuGet package manager, choose that source when browsing packages, and be sure to check the pre-release option. The nightly source details are:

Xamarin.Forms Nightly

Visual Studio

  1. Open the settings panel by going to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings
  2. Select the Package Sources page
  3. Click the green plus icon to add a new source
  4. Enter the name and source with the information above
  5. Click update and then ok

In the NuGet Package Manager, choose the new source from the package source drop down to see the available nightly build packages. Be sure to check the include prerelease box.

Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio for Mac

  1. Open the NuGet Package Manager by choosing the menu Project > Add NuGet Packages...
  2. Select the sources drop down in the upper left of the window and choose Configure Sources...
  3. Click Add to add a new source
  4. Enter the name and location with the information above
  5. Click Add Source and then OK

Once back in the NuGet Package Manager window, select your new source form the drop down and make sure to check the Show pre-release packages option in the lower left.

Additional instructions specific to your IDE: