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Note: This library is intended for personal use. It will not be added to
If you wish to use this:

typst-lib-wrapper = { git = "" }


Rust library that synchronously wraps Typst compiler, enabling you to compile documents and capture output in code.


  • Capture compilation result: Typst projects are compiled in memory, compilation result is immediately available as a collection of bytes. You don't have to invoke the official CLI. Compiler input can be either Content (string) or File (entry filename and project root).

  • 🔃 Custom data loading: Provides a way to override Typst standard library and add custom symbols to the global context. This will overload ANY symbol, use it with caution. It is recommended that all custom data starts with underscore "_". Another way to load custom data is to use sys.inputs dictionary, but it's limited as it only allows strings as values.

  • 🔠 Lazily loaded fonts: Fonts are loaded lazily on-demand. Font cache keeps all fonts metadata in memory, but the actual font data is lazy loaded.

  • 🗃️ Font caching: Global font cache keeps track of all fonts. The cache is updated if new fonts are loaded after compilation.

  • 📜 Fully documented with examples: This library is fully documented and important functions are documented with examples.


PDF compilation

let entry = "main.typ";
let root = "./project";

// Build the compiler and compile to PDF.
let compiler = CompilerBuilder::with_file_input(entry, root)
    .expect("Couldn't build the compiler");
let compiled = compiler.compile_pdf();

if let Some(pdf) = compiled.output {
    std::fs::write("./main.pdf", pdf)
        .expect("Couldn't write PDF"); // Writes PDF file.
} else {
    dbg!(compiled.errors); // Compilation failed, show errors.

PNG compilation

let entry = "main.typ";
let root = "./project";

// Build the compiler and compile to PNG.
let compiler = CompilerBuilder::with_file_input(entry, root)
    .expect("Couldn't build the compiler");
let compiled = compiler.compile_png();

if let Some(pages) = compiled.output {
    // Writes images one by one.
    pages.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(index, page)| {
        let filename = format!("./output/{index}.png");
        std::fs::write(filename, page)
            .expect("Couldn't write PNG");
} else {
    dbg!(compiled.errors); // Compilation failed, show errors.

Custom fonts

// Add fonts to cache
let font_paths = vec![
    .expect("Cache error");

let content = r##"
    #set page(paper: "a4");

    #set text(font: "Times New Roman");
    This is Times New Roman.

    #set text(font: "Comic Sans");
    This is Comic Sans.

let compiler = CompilerBuilder::with_content_input(content)
    .expect("Couldn't build the compiler");
let compiled = compiler.compile_pdf();

if let Some(pdf) = compiled.output {
    std::fs::write("./main.pdf", pdf)
        .expect("Couldn't write PDF"); // Writes PDF file.
} else {
    dbg!(compiled.errors); // Compilation failed, show errors.

Custom data

This creates a document with text "Rust 1.0 was released on 15.05.2015.". The text "Rust" is orange. Currently typst floats aren't displaying a decimal point when passed a floating point that can be converted to integer without loss. That's why there's ".0" after "#_VERSION", it is not a tuple index.

use typst_lib_wrapper::reexports::{IntoValue, Datetime, Color};

let content = r##"
    #set page(paper: "a4");

    #text(fill: _COLOR)[#_LANGUAGE]
    #_VERSION.0 was released on

let language = "Rust".into_value();
let date = Datetime::from_ymd(2015, 5, 15).expect("Invalid date").into_value();
let color = Color::from_u8(247, 75, 0, 255).into_value();
let version = 1.0_f64.into_value();

let custom_data = vec![
    ("_LANGUAGE", language),
    ("_DATE", date),
    ("_COLOR", color),
    ("_VERSION", version)

let compiler = CompilerBuilder::with_content_input(content)
    .expect("Couldn't build the compiler");
let compiled = compiler.compile_pdf();

if let Some(pdf) = compiled.output {
    std::fs::write("./main.pdf", pdf)
        .expect("Couldn't write PDF"); // Writes PDF file.
} else {
    dbg!(compiled.errors); // Compilation failed, show errors.

There are more specific examples alongside every functions.

Notes / Warnings

  • Synchronous: Every mutex in this library is sync parking_lot::Mutex. Meaning, font caching and (opt-in) parallel PNG/SVG compilation and cache size calculation with rayon are both blocking. Use blocking_task provided by your async runtime if you with to compile documents in an async environment while interracting with this library.
    On mixing rayon with tokio!

  • 🔀 Font cache cloning: Before building the compiler, builder locks the cache and clones it for itself. To reduce cache size it is recommended to avoid loading all system fonts and to load only needed fonts. In practise this won't be that big of a deal, because all fonts are lazily loaded on-demand. But once loaded they stay in cache, so manually emptying is an option.

  • 📥 Automatic package downloads: This library will automatically download packages from the Typst package registry. This is also done by the official CLI.


Synchronous wrapper around 'typst' library








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