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S.E.A.T v1.16.5-01

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@x-2mas x-2mas released this 12 Feb 12:01
· 5 commits to main since this release


  1. You should now be able to sit on most blocks without 'jumping up' first. However, this might still happen when trying to sit on mobs or blocks with unknown heights.
  2. Now checks for low ceilings to prevent bumping your head while sitting.
  3. Added special positioning for 1-block high spaces that prevents you from suffocating.
  4. Fixed an issue where S.E.A.T used to identify snow layers as full blocks, preventing you from 'sitting back' on them.

Fixed 2 critical issues:

  1. Fixed forward compatibility: S.E.A.T will now work with future versions of the C.O.R.E pack (if supported).
  2. Fixed a bug that made the pack not work in locations with 4-digit coordinates. (Shout-out to u/NotPayingMyTaxes for reporting this!)