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A plugin for ServiceStack and IdentityServer that provides OpenIDConnect / OAuth 2.0 Single Sign-On Authentication


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ServiceStack.Authentication.IdentityServer : NuGet version

IdentityServer3.Contrib.ServiceStack : NuGet version

IdentityServer4.Contrib.ServiceStack : NuGet version

A plugin for ServiceStack and IdentityServer that provides OpenIDConnect / OAuth 2.0 Single Sign-On Authentication for a Client that consumes other services (e.g. in a microservices-based environment).

This enables a client servicestack instance to be redirected to an IdentityServer instance when they attempt to access a secure service without the necessary credentials. The user is required to provide credentials to the IdentityServer instance such that on succesful authenticated, the user is redirected back to the servicestack instance which can authorize the user to access the secure service based on claims-based credentials provided by IdentityServer.

Quick Start

Assuming that an existing ServiceStack Instance with a user front-end exists and an existing IdentityServer Instance exists. To create a vanilla IdentityServer instance please follow the steps here.

ServiceStack Instance

Install the package to your Service Stack Instance:

PM> Install-Package ServiceStack.Authentication.IdentityServer

Add the following to your AppHost Configure method

public class AppHost : AppSelfHostBase
    private readonly string serviceUrl;
    public AppHost(string serviceUrl) : base("ServiceStack.SelfHost", typeof (MyServices).Assembly) { this.serviceUrl = serviceUrl; }

    public override void Configure(Container container)
        SetConfig(new HostConfig
            // the url:port that IdentityServer will know to redirect to upon succesful login
            WebHostUrl = serviceUrl
        this.Plugins.Add(new IdentityServerAuthFeature 
            AuthProviderType = IdentityServerAuthProviderType.UserAuthProvider,
            AuthRealm = "http://identityserver:5000/",                          // The URL of the IdentityServer instance
            ClientId = "ServiceStack.SelfHost",                                 // The Client Identifier so that IdentityServer can identify the service
            ClientSecret = "F621F470-9731-4A25-80EF-67A6F7C5F4B8",              // The Client Secret so that IdentityServer can authorize the service
            Scopes = "openid ServiceStack.SelfHost offline_access"

Decorate a service with the following attribute

public class SomeService : Service
    public object Any()

IdentityServer3 Instance

Add the following Client to the Identity Server Client data store (example below is assuming IdentityServer In-Memory Clients is being used).

new Client
    ClientName = "ServiceStack.SelfHost",
    ClientId = "ServiceStack.SelfHost",                                 // The Client Identifier matching the IdentityServerAuthFeature.ClientId call
                                                                        // in the ServiceStack AppHost Configure() method above        
    Enabled = true,
    AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt,                              // The AccessToken encryption type
    Flow = Flows.Hybrid,                                                // Uses the Hybrid flow

    ClientSecrets = new List<Secret>
        new Secret("F621F470-9731-4A25-80EF-67A6F7C5F4B8".Sha256())     // The Client Secret matching IdentityServerAuthFeature.ClientSecret call
    },                                                                  // in the ServiceStack Setup

    AllowAccessToAllScopes = true,                                      
    RedirectUris = new List<string>
        "http://localhost:5001/auth/IdentityServer"                     // The Address and Provider Uri of the ServiceStack Instance

    RequireConsent = false                                              // Don't bother prompting for consent

Add the following Scope to the Identity Server Scope data store (example below is assuming IdentityServer In-Memory Scope is being used).

new Scope
    Name = "ServiceStack.SelfHost",                                     // The Scope Identity matching the IdentityServerAuthFeature.ClientId call
                                                                        // in the ServiceStack AppHost Configure() method above       
    Enabled = true,
    Type = ScopeType.Identity,
    Claims = new List<ScopeClaim>
        new ScopeClaim(Constants.ClaimTypes.Subject),
        new ScopeClaim(Constants.ClaimTypes.PreferredUserName)
    ScopeSecrets = new List<Secret>
        new Secret("F621F470-9731-4A25-80EF-67A6F7C5F4B8".Sha256())     // The Client Secret matching AppSettings.SetClientSecret() call
    }                                                                   // in the ServiceStack Setup

IdentityServer4 Instance

IdentityServer4 is the dotnet core implementation of IdentityServer. It differs from IdentityServer3 in that it no longer provides a UI. For an example of a custom UI implementation of IdentityServer4 using core please refer to the IdentityServer4.Quickstart.UI project.

Add the following Client to the Identity Server Client data store (example below is assuming IdentityServer In-Memory Clients is being used).

new Client
    ClientName = "ServiceStack.SelfHost",
    ClientId = "ServiceStack.SelfHost",                                 // The Client Identifier matching the IdentityServerAuthFeature.ClientId call
                                                                        // in the ServiceStack AppHost Configure() method above    

    Enabled = true,

    AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt,                              // The AccessToken encryption type
    AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Hybrid,                              // Uses the Hybrid flow

    ClientSecrets = new List<Secret>
        new Secret("F621F470-9731-4A25-80EF-67A6F7C5F4B8".Sha256())     // The Client Secret matching IdentityServerAuthFeature.ClientSecret call
    },                                                                  // in the ServiceStack Setup

    RedirectUris = new List<string>
        "http://localhost:5001/auth/IdentityServer"                     // The Address and Provider Uri of the ServiceStack Instance

    AllowedScopes = new List<string>                                    // The requested scopes. Should match IdentityServerAuthFeature.Scopes

    AllowOfflineAccess = true,                                          // Set to true if requesting the offline_access scope

    RequireConsent = false                                              // Don't bother prompting for consent

Add the following Identity Resources (same as Identity Scopes) to the Identity Server IdentityResource data store (example below is assuming IdentityServer In-Memory IdentityResource is being used).
new List<IdentityResource>
    new IdentityServer4.Models.IdentityResources.OpenId(),
    new IdentityResource
        Name = "ServiceStack.SelfHost",
        Enabled = true,
        UserClaims = new List<string>

When you start up both the Identity Server Instance and the ServiceStack Instance, you should be redirected to the IdentityServer Instance when you try to access the service you secured with the Authenticate attribute.

What just happened?

Assuming this worked first time for you then the following sequence of events should have occurred:

Service Stack Identity Server Interaction

  • Attempting to access a ServiceStack Service with the Authenticate attribute forces a redirect to the IdentityServer Auth Provider (added by the IdentityServerAuthFeature() plugin).

  • The Auth Provider checks the current ServiceStack session for an Access Token issued by IdentityServer.

  • Having yet to be issued with an Access Token, the Auth Provider redirects the request to IdentityServer Authorization/Authentication Endpoint.

  • Authorization/Authentication Endpoint

    • Checks the Service Stack Instance Client Id and Client Secret are valid.
    • Checks the redirect URL of the Service Stack Instance is valid (which must be the Service Stack Auth Provider Endpoint).
    • Checks the scopes requested are valid and the Client has permission.
    • Checks the request to find any existing credentials, as none are present it redirects to the IdentityServer login page.
  • IdentityServer has local login configuration enabled so presents a username and password prompt.

  • IdentityServer checks the provided username and password using an implementation of the UserServiceBase class which accesses an underlying user data store.

  • IdentityServer redirects to the ServiceStack Auth Provider and includes an ID Token and a Code

  • The ServiceStack Auth Provider checks the ID Token is valid and has been signed by by the IdentityServer X509 Signing Certificate.

  • The ServiceStack Auth Provider now uses the Code to request an Access Token from IdentityServer using the Token endpoint.

  • Token Endpoint

    • Checks the Service Stack Instance Client Id and Client Secret are valid.
    • Checks the Code is valid.
    • The IdentityServer Instance issues the Access Token.
      • If a "refresh token" was also requested, IdentityServer checks that you have permission to use the Offline Access Scope.
  • The ServiceStack Auth Provider now validates the "Access Token" with IdentityServer using the Token Introspection endpoint.

  • Introspection Endpoint

    • Checks the Service Stack Instance Client Id and Client Secret are valid.
    • Checks the Access Token is valid.
  • The ServiceStack Auth Provider now retrieves the Claims for the Access Token using the User Info endpoint.

  • UserInfo Endpoint

    • Checks the Access Token is valid.
    • Returns the Claims for the User that were part of the scopes that were requested when the initial Authorization took place.
  • The ServiceStack Auth Provider populates the Service Stack Session with the Claims.

Read the sample Guide here or view the code here

Accessing an external ServiceStack Instance

If we want to access another ServiceStack Instance and for that Instance to authenticate against IdentityServer, that second ServiceStack Instance is effectively a second client entity in terms of IdentityServer. We have two options in how our second ServiceStack Instance can authenticate, depending on our use case:

Authenticate as a Service

The second ServiceStack Instance doesn't require any user credentials to perform it's function, it doesn't require any user permissions and is just carrying out a task that may be accessing underlying sensitive data. In this case, the service just needs to Authenticate itself as a client of IdentityServer using a Client ID and Client Secret.

Read the Quick Start Guide for authentication as a service here Read the sample Guide here or view the code here

Authenticate as a Service on behalf of a User

The second ServiceStack Instance requires either user credentials to perform it's function or is locked down to only perform if a user has a certain role or permission. In this case, the service first needs to Authenticate itself as a client of IdentityServer and then also Authenticate the user accessing the service so it can then determine if the user is authorized to access the service. We don't however, want the user to have to login to IdentityServer again.

Read the Quick Start guide for authenticate as a service on behalf of a user here

Read the sample guide here or view the code here


A plugin for ServiceStack and IdentityServer that provides OpenIDConnect / OAuth 2.0 Single Sign-On Authentication








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Contributors 4
