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The async-buffer buffer data that can be flushed when reach threshold or duration limit. It is multi-goroutinue safe.

It only support go1.18 or later

Why you need it?

An Usecase:

You have a message queue subscriber server.

The Server receives messages one by one and inserts them into your database,

But there is a big performance gap between one by one insertion and batch insertion to your database.

So that to use async-buffer to buffer data then find timing to batch insert them.


go get -u

Quick start

The Write, Flush, Close api are goroutinue-safed.

package main

import (

	buffer ""

// pp implements Flusher interface
type pp struct{}

func (p *pp) Flush(strs []string) error {
	return print(strs)

func print(strs []string) error {
	fmt.Printf("print: %v \n", strs)
	return nil

func main() {
	// can also call buffer.FlushFunc` to adapt a function to Flusher
	buf := buffer.New[string](&pp{}, buffer.Option[string]{
		Threshold:     5,
		FlushInterval: 3 * time.Second,
		WriteTimeout:  time.Second,
		FlushTimeout:  time.Second,
		ErrHandler:    func(err error, t []string) { fmt.Printf("err: %v, ele: %v", err, t) },

	// data maybe loss if Close() is not be called
	defer buf.Close()

	// 1. flush at threshold
	buf.Write("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f")

	// 2. time to flush automatically
	buf.Write("ccccc", "ddddd")
	time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

	// 3. flush manually and write call `WriteWithContext`
	buf.WriteWithContext(context.Background(), "eeeee", "fffff")


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