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#Gokart-LapTimer-iMproved (GLTiM) 1.0

The GLTiM is built on top of the gokart-laptimer which uses IR beacon and Raspbery Pi as detector/Receiver. The GLT improved provides many more features than the previous version plus a more streamlined web interface.

  1. Two way RF communication using Nordic NRF24L01+ RF chip between Control center and detector
  2. Detector Supports Magnetic Strip as well as IR beacon
  3. Detector is in Kart. Allows feedback for the driver (not implemented)
  4. Raspberry Pi as control Center

gokart-laptimer 0.1

Open hardware-software project to setup a go kart lap timer and counter with IR as the trigger beacon.

  1. NEC pulse width IR protocol is used as the beacon protocol.
  2. Raspberry-Pi based controller.
  3. php based GUI.