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wolfSSL / wolfCrypt Asynchronous Support

This repository contains the async.c and async.h files required for using Asynchronous Cryptography with the wolfSSL library.

  • The async.c file goes into ./wolfcrypt/src/.
  • The async.h file goes into ./wolfssl/wolfcrypt/.

This feature is enabled using: ./configure --enable-asynccrypt or #define WOLFSSL_ASYNC_CRYPT.

If async crypto is enabled but no hardware backend is enabled or if WOLFSSL_ASYNC_CRYPT_SW is defined, a software backend using wolfCrypt is used instead. This software backend can simulate periodic hardware delays using the macro WOLF_ASYNC_SW_SKIP_MOD, which is on by default if DEBUG_WOLFSSL is defined.


Each crypto algorithm has its own WC_ASYNC_DEV structure, which contains a WOLF_EVENT, local crypto context and local hardware context.

For SSL/TLS the WOLF_EVENT context is the WOLFSSL* and the type is WOLF_EVENT_TYPE_ASYNC_WOLFSSL. For wolfCrypt operations the WOLF_EVENT context is the WC_ASYNC_DEV* and the type is WOLF_EVENT_TYPE_ASYNC_WOLFCRYPT.

A generic event system has been created using a WOLF_EVENT structure when HAVE_WOLF_EVENT is defined. The event structure resides in the WC_ASYNC_DEV.

The asynchronous crypto system is modeled after epoll. The implementation uses wolfSSL_AsyncPoll or wolfSSL_CTX_AsyncPoll to check if any async operations are complete.

Hardware Backends

Supported hardware backends:

  • Intel QuickAssist with QAT 1.6 or QAT 1.7 driver. See in wolfcrypt/src/port/intel/
  • Cavium Nitrox III and V. See in wolfcrypt/src/port/cavium/

wolfCrypt Backend

The wolfCrypt backend uses the same API as the hardware backends do. Once an asynchronous operation is initiated with the software backend, subsequent calls to wolfSSL_AsyncPoll will call into wolfCrypt to complete the operation. If non-blocking is enabled, for example, for ECC (via WC_ECC_NONBLOCK), each wolfSSL_AsyncPoll will do a chunk of work for the operation and return, to minimize blocking time.



int wolfSSL_AsyncPoll(WOLFSSL* ssl, WOLF_EVENT_FLAG flags);

Polls the provided WOLFSSL object's reference to the WOLFSSL_CTX's event queue to see if any operations outstanding for the WOLFSSL object are done. Return the completed event count on success.


int wolfSSL_CTX_AsyncPoll(WOLFSSL_CTX* ctx, WOLF_EVENT** events, int maxEvents, WOLF_EVENT_FLAG flags, int* eventCount)

Polls the provided WOLFSSL_CTX context event queue to see if any pending events are done. If the events argument is provided then a pointer to the WOLF_EVENT will be returned up to maxEvents. If eventCount is provided then the number of events populated will be returned. The flags allows for WOLF_POLL_FLAG_CHECK_HW to indicate if the crypto backend (i.e. hardware or wolfCrypt, if the software implementation is being used) should be polled again or just return more events.


int wolfAsync_DevOpen(int *devId);

Open the async device and returns an int device id for it.


int wolfAsync_DevOpenThread(int *devId, void* threadId);

Opens the async device for a specific thread. A crypto instance is assigned and thread affinity set.


void wolfAsync_DevClose(int *devId)

Closes the async device.


int wolfAsync_DevCopy(WC_ASYNC_DEV* src, WC_ASYNC_DEV* dst);

Copy async device memory safe (not pointers to old device).


int wolfAsync_DevCtxInit(WC_ASYNC_DEV* asyncDev, word32 marker, void* heap, int devId);

Initialize the device context and open the device hardware using the provided WC_ASYNC_DEV pointer, marker and device id (from wolfAsync_DevOpen).


void wolfAsync_DevCtxFree(WC_ASYNC_DEV* asyncDev);

Closes and free's the device context.


int wolfAsync_EventInit(WOLF_EVENT* event, enum WOLF_EVENT_TYPE type, void* context, word32 flags);

Initialize an event structure with provided type and context. Sets the pending flag and the status code to WC_PENDING_E. Current flag options are WC_ASYNC_FLAG_NONE and WC_ASYNC_FLAG_CALL_AGAIN (indicates crypto needs called again after WC_PENDING_E).


int wolfAsync_EventWait(WOLF_EVENT* event);

Waits for the provided event to complete.


int wolfAsync_EventPoll(WOLF_EVENT* event, WOLF_EVENT_FLAG event_flags);

Polls the provided event to determine if its done.


int wolfAsync_EventPop(WOLF_EVENT* event, enum WOLF_EVENT_TYPE event_type);

This will check the event to see if the event type matches and the event is complete. If it is then the async return code is returned. If not then WC_NOT_PENDING_E is returned.


int wolfAsync_EventQueuePush(WOLF_EVENT_QUEUE* queue, WOLF_EVENT* event);

Pushes an event to the provided event queue and assigns the provided event.


int wolfAsync_EventQueuePoll(WOLF_EVENT_QUEUE* queue, void* context_filter,
    WOLF_EVENT** events, int maxEvents, WOLF_EVENT_FLAG event_flags, int* eventCount);

Polls all events in the provided event queue. Optionally filters by context. Will return pointers to the done events.


int wc_AsyncHandle(WC_ASYNC_DEV* asyncDev, WOLF_EVENT_QUEUE* queue, word32 flags);

This will push the event inside asyncDev into the provided queue.


int wc_AsyncWait(int ret, WC_ASYNC_DEV* asyncDev, word32 flags);

This will wait until the provided asyncDev is done (or error).


int wolfAsync_HardwareStart(void);

If using multiple threads this allows a way to start the hardware before using wolfAsync_DevOpen to ensure the memory system is setup. Ensure that wolfAsync_HardwareStop is called on exit. Internally there is a start/stop counter, so this can be called multiple times, but stop must also be called the same number of times to shutdown the hardware.


void wolfAsync_HardwareStop(void);

Stops hardware if internal --start_count == 0.


TLS Server Example

int devId = INVALID_DEVID;

ret = wolfAsync_DevOpen(&devId);
if (ret != 0) {
    err_sys("Async device open failed");
wolfSSL_CTX_SetDevId(ctx, devId);

do {
    err = 0; /* reset error */
    ret = wolfSSL_accept(ssl, msg, msgSz, &msgSz);
    if (ret <= 0) {
        err = wolfSSL_get_error(ssl, 0);
        if (err == WC_PENDING_E) {
            ret = wolfSSL_AsyncPoll(ssl, WOLF_POLL_FLAG_CHECK_HW);
            if (ret < 0) break;
} while (err == WC_PENDING_E);
if (ret != WOLFSSL_SUCCESS) {
    err_sys("SSL_connect failed");


wolfCrypt RSA Example

static int devId = INVALID_DEVID;
RsaKey key;

ret = wolfAsync_DevOpen(&devId);
if (ret != 0)
    err_sys("Async device open failed");

wc_InitRsaKey_ex(&key, HEAP_HINT, devId);
if (ret == 0) {
    ret = wc_RsaPrivateKeyDecode(tmp, &idx, &key, (word32)bytes);
    do {
        ret = wc_AsyncWait(ret, &key.asyncDev, WC_ASYNC_FLAG_CALL_AGAIN);
        if (ret >= 0)
            ret = wc_RsaPublicEncrypt(in, inLen, out, outSz, &key, &rng);
    } while (ret == WC_PENDING_E);


Build Options

  1. Async multi-threading can be disabled by defining WC_NO_ASYNC_THREADING. This only disables internal async threading functions. You are free to use other threading APIs or paradigms in your application.
  2. Software benchmarks can be disabled by defining NO_SW_BENCH.
  3. The WC_ASYNC_THRESH_NONE define can be used to disable the cipher thresholds, which are tunable values to determine at what size hardware should be used vs. software.
  4. Use WOLFSSL_DEBUG_MEMORY and WOLFSSL_TRACK_MEMORY to help debug memory issues. QAT also supports WOLFSSL_DEBUG_MEMORY_PRINT.


TLS Client/Server Async Example

We have a full TLS client/server async examples here:

TLS Threaded epoll Example Building

git clone
cd wolfssl-examples
cd tls
# For QuickAssist: Uncomment QAT lines at top of Makefile

TLS Threaded epoll Example Usage

$ ./client-tls-perf -?
perf 4.5.0 (NOTE: All files relative to wolfSSL home dir)
-?          Help, print this usage
-p <num>    Port to listen on, not 0, default 11111
-v <num>    SSL version [0-3], SSLv3(0) - TLS1.2(3)), default 3
-l <str>    Cipher suite list (: delimited)
-c <file>   Certificate file,           default ../certs/client-cert.pem
-k <file>   Key file,                   default ../certs/client-key.pem
-A <file>   Certificate Authority file, default ../certs/ca-cert.pem
-r          Resume session
-n <num>    Benchmark <num> connections
-N <num>    <num> concurrent connections
-R <num>    <num> bytes read from client
-W <num>    <num> bytes written to client
-B <num>    Benchmark <num> written bytes

TLS Threaded epoll Example Output

$ sudo ./server-tls-epoll-threaded -n 10000
$ sudo ./client-tls-perf -n 10000

wolfSSL Server Benchmark 16384 bytes
	Num Conns         :     10000
	Total             : 18575.800 ms
	Total Avg         :     1.858 ms
	t/s               :   538.335
	Accept            : 35848.428 ms
	Accept Avg        :     3.585 ms
	Total Read bytes  : 163840000 bytes
	Total Write bytes : 163840000 bytes
	Read              :   402.212 ms (  388.476 MBps)
	Write             :   591.469 ms (  264.173 MBps)

Change Log

wolfSSL Async Release v5.7.0 (Mar 21, 2023)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.6.6 (Dec 20, 2023)

  • Plus wolfSSL PR 7085 fix for invalid dh_ffdhe_test for even P when using Intel QuickAssist. wolfSSL/wolfssl#7085
  • Fix for missing `IntelQaFreeFlatBuffer`` with DH enabled and no keygen. (broken in PR #71)
  • Add return code checking for wc_AsyncThreadCreate_ex in exit_fail section for pthread_attr_destroy. (PR #72)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.6.4 (Oct 30, 2023)

  • Fixes for support async with crypto or pk callbacks.

wolfSSL Async Release v5.6.3 (June 16, 2023)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.6.0 (Mar 29, 2023)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.5.4 (Dec 22, 2022)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.5.3 (Nov 8, 2022)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.5.0 (Sep 2, 2022)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.4.0 (July 11, 2022)

  • Fix for DH trim of leading zeros to use memmove.
  • Fix to print errors to stderr.
  • Fix to consistently return the status of failed pthreads funcs.
  • Move async device pointer (wolfSSL/wolfssl#5149)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.3.0 (May 5, 2022)

  • Added Intel QuickAssist ECC Key Generation acceleration. Specifically point multiplication similar to our wc_ecc_mulmod_ex2.
  • Fix for building Intel QAT with SP math all
  • Fix for error: unused function 'IntelQaFreeFlatBuffer'.
  • Fix for handling the Koblitz curve param "a", which is all zeros.
  • Fixes for scan-build warnings.
  • Includes wolfSSL PR wolfSSL/wolfssl#5101

wolfSSL Async Release v5.2.0 (Feb 21, 2022)

  • Adds WC_NO_ASYNC_SLEEP option to hide wc_AsyncSleep for platforms that do not need it.
  • Fix for async test anonymous union on some platforms (#pragma anon_unions and HAVE_ANONYMOUS_INLINE_AGGREGATES)
  • Fixes for invalidPrintfArgType_sint (cppcheck) and readability-redundant-preprocessor (clang-tidy).

wolfSSL Async Release v5.1.0 (Jan 3rd, 2022)

wolfSSL Async Release v5.0.0 (11/01/2021)

  • Fix for issue with QAT AES GCM input buffer already NUMA and not aligned.

wolfSSL Async Release v4.8.0 (07/14/2021)

  • Fix for new QAT 1.7 hash types warning.
  • Updated Intel QAT 1.7 build instructions.
  • Includes possible HAVE_WOLF_BIGINT leaks in PR wolfSSL/wolfssl#4208

wolfSSL Async Release v4.7.0 (02/20/2021)

  • Fix for ARC4 macro typo

wolfSSL Async Release v4.6.0 (12/21/2020)

  • Documentation updates.
  • Fixes for Cavium Nitrox and Intel Quick Assist (wolfSSL/wolfssl#3577) with TLS v1.3

wolfSSL Async Release v4.4.0 (04/24/2020)

  • Fix for uninitialized supSha3 warning.
  • Fix for use of incorrect devId for wolfSSL_SHA3_256_Init.
  • Fix for QAT with Shake256.
  • Fix for QAT example ./

wolfSSL Async Release v4.3.0 (12/20/2019)

  • Fix for async date override callback issue.
  • Updates to Octeon README.

wolfSSL Async Release v4.2.0 (10/22/2019)

  • Fix for QuickAssist DH Agree issue with leading zero bytes.
  • Fix for QuickAssist AES CBC issue with previous IV on back-to-back operations.
  • Updates to QuickAssist for latest QAT v1.7 driver.
  • Instructions for Octeon III (CN7300) use.

wolfSSL Async Release v4.0.0 (03/25/2019)

  • Fix for building with QuickAssist v1.7 driver (4.4.0-00023) (was missing usdm_drv during configure with check).
  • Fix for building async with file system disabled.
  • Fix for SHA-3 runtime detection for not supported in hardware.

wolfSSL Async Release v3.15.8 (03/01/2019) - Intermediate release

  • Performance improvements for QuickAssist.
  • Added new build option QAT_POLL_RESP_QUOTA to indicate maximum number of callbacks to service per poll. The default is 0 (all), was previously 8.
  • Added useful QAT_DEBUG logging for ECC and DH operations.
  • Cleanup whitespace in quickassist.c.
  • Enhanced the Cavium macros for CAVIUM_MAX_PENDING and CAVIUM_MAX_POLL over-ridable.
  • Added build-time override for benchmark thread count WC_ASYNC_BENCH_THREAD_COUNT.
  • Fixes for wolfCrypt test with asynchronous support enabled and --enable-nginx.
  • Fix to use QAT for ECC sign and verify when SP is enabled and key was initialized with devId.
  • Fixes issues with wolfCrypt test and QAT not properly calling "again" for the ECC sign, verify and shared secret.
  • Correct the output for multi-threaded benchmark using -base10 option.
  • Fixes to QAT HMAC enables in benchmark tool.
  • Adds new NO_HW_BENCH to support using multi-threaded software only benchmarks.

wolfSSL Async Release v3.15.7 (12/27/2018)

  • Fixes for various analysis warnings (wolfSSL/wolfssl#2003).
  • Added QAT v1.7 driver support.
  • Added QAT SHA-3 support.
  • Added QAT RSA Key Generation support.
  • Added support for new usdm memory driver.
  • Added support for detecting QAT version and features.
  • Added QAT_ENABLE_RNG option to disable QAT TRNG/DRBG.
  • Added alternate hashing method to cache all updates (avoids using partial updates).

wolfSSL Async Release v3.15.5 (11/09/2018)

  • Fixes for various analysis warnings (wolfSSL/wolfssl#1918).
  • Fix for QAT possible double free case where ctx->symCtx is not trapped.
  • Improved QAT debug messages when using QAT_DEBUG.
  • Fix for QAT RNG to allow zero length. This resolves PSS case where wc_RNG_GenerateBlock is called for saltLen == 0.

wolfSSL Async Release v3.15.3 (06/20/2018)

  • Fixes for fsantize tests with Cavium Nitrox V.
  • Removed typedef for CspHandle, since its already defined.
  • Fixes for a couple of fsanitize warnings.
  • Fix for possible leak with large request to IntelQaDrbg.

wolfSSL Async Release v3.14.4 (04/13/2018)

  • Added Nitrox V ECC.
  • Added Nitrox V SHA-224 and SHA-3
  • Added Nitrox V AES GCM
  • Added Nitrox III SHA2 384/512 support for HMAC.
  • Added error code handling for signature check failure.
  • Added error translate for ERR_PKCS_DECRYPT_INCORRECT
  • Added useful WOLFSSL_NITROX_DEBUG and show count for pending checks.
  • Cleanup of Nitrox symmetric processing to use single while loops.
  • Cleanup to only include some headers in cavium_nitrox.c port.
  • Fixes for building against Nitrox III and V SDK.
  • Updates to with required CFLAGS/LDFLAGS when building without ./configure.
  • Fix for Intel QuickAssist HMAC to use software for unsupported hash algorithms.

wolfSSL Async Release v3.12.2 (10/22/2017)

  • Fix for HMAC QAT when block size aligned. The QAT HMAC final without any buffers will fail incorrectly (bug in QAT 1.6).
  • Nitrox fix for rename of ContextType to context_type_t. Updates to Nitrox
  • Workaround for USE_QAE_THREAD_LS issue with realloc from a different thread.
  • Fix for hashing to allow zero length. This resolves issue with new empty hash tests.
  • Fix bug with blocking async where operation was being free'd before completion. Set freeFunc prior to performing operation and check ret code in poll.
  • Fix leak with cipher symmetric context close.
  • Fix QAT_DEBUG partialState offset.
  • Fixes for symmetric context caching.
  • Refactored async event initialization so its done prior to making possible async calls.
  • Fix to resolve issue with QAT callbacks and multi-threading.
  • The cleanup is now handled in polling function and the event is only marked done from the polling thread that matches the originating thread.
  • Fix possible mem leak with multiple threads g_qatEcdhY and g_qatEcdhCofactor1.
  • Fix the block polling to use ret instead of status.
  • Change order of IntelQaDevClear and setting event->ret.
  • Fixes to better handle threading with async.
  • Refactor of async event state.
  • Refactor to initialize event prior to operation (in case it finishes before adding to queue).
  • Fixes issues with AES GCM decrypt that can corrupt up to authTag bytes at end of output buffer provided.
  • Optimize the Hmac struct to replace keyRaw with ipad.
  • Enhancement to allow re-use of the symmetric context for ciphers.
  • Fixes for QuickAssist (QAT) multi-threading. Fix to not set return code until after callback cleanup.
  • Disable thread binding to specific CPU by default (enabled now with WC_ASYNC_THREAD_BIND).
  • Added optional define QAT_USE_POLLING_CHECK to have only one thread polling at a time (not required and doesn't improve performance).
  • Reduced default QAT_MAX_PENDING for benchmark to 15 (120/num_threads).
  • Fix for IntelQaDrbg to handle buffer over 0xFFFF in length.
  • Added working DRBG and TRNG implementations for QAT.
  • Fix to set callback status after ret and output have been set. Cleanup of the symmetric context.
  • Updates to support refactored dynamic types.
  • Fix for QAT symmetric to allow NULL authTag.
  • Fix GCC 7 build warning with braces.
  • Cleanup formatting.

wolfSSL Async Release v3.11.0 (05/05/2017)

  • Fixes for Cavium Nitrox III/V.

    • Fix with possible crash when using a request Id that is already complete, due to partial submissions not marking event done.
    • Improvements to max buffer lengths.
    • Fixes to handle various return code patterns with CNN55XX-SDK.
    • All Nitrox V tests and benchmarks pass. Bench: RSA 2048-bit public 336,674 ops/sec and private (CRT) 66,524 ops/sec.
  • Intel QuickAssist support and various async fixes/improvements:

    • Added support for Intel QuickAssist v1.6 driver with QuickAssist 8950 hardware
    • Added QAE memory option to use static memory list instead of dynamic list using USE_QAE_STATIC_MEM.
    • Added tracking of deallocs and made the values signed long.
    • Improved code for wolf header check and expanded to 16-byte alignment for performance improvement with TLS.
    • Added ability to override limit dev access parameters and all configurable QAT fields.
    • Added async simulator tests for DH, DES3 CBC and AES CBC/GCM.
    • Rename AsyncCryptDev to WC_ASYNC_DEV.
    • Refactor to move WOLF_EVENT into WC_ASYNC_DEV.
    • Refactor the async struct/enum names to use WC_ naming.
    • Refactor of the async event->context to use WOLF_EVENT_TYPE_ASYNC_WOLFSSL or WOLF_EVENT_TYPE_ASYNC_WOLFCRYPT to indicate the type of context pointer.
    • Added flag to WOLF_EVENT which is used to determine if the async complete should call into operation again or goto next WC_ASYNC_FLAG_CALL_AGAIN.
    • Cleanup of the "wolfAsync_DevCtxInit" calls to make sure asyncDev is always cleared if invalid device id is used.
    • Removed async event type WOLF_EVENT_TYPE_ASYNC_ANY.
    • Enable the random extra delay option by default for simulator as it helps catch bugs.
    • Cleanup for async free to also check marker.
    • Refactor of the async wait and handle to reduce duplicate code.
    • Added async simulator test for RSA make key.
    • Added WC_ASYNC_THRESH_NONE to allow bypass of threshold for testing
    • Added static numbers for the async sim test types, for easier debugging of the “testDev->type” value.
    • Populate heap hint into asyncDev struct.
    • Enhancement to cache the asyncDev to improve poll performance.
    • Added async threading helpers and new wolfAsync_DevOpenThread.
    • Added WC_NO_ASYNC_THREADING to prevent async threading.
    • Added new API “wc_AsyncGetNumberOfCpus” for getting number of CPU’s.
    • Added new “wc_AsyncThreadYield” API.
    • Added new API for wolfAsync_DevCopy.
    • Fix to make sure an async init failure sets the deviceId to INVALID_DEVID.
    • Fix for building with async threading support on Mac.
    • Fix for using simulator so it supports multiple threads.
  • Moved Intel QuickAssist and Cavium Nitrox III/V code into async repo.

  • Added new WC_ASYNC_NO_* options to allow disabling of individual async algorithms.

    • Additionally each algorithm has a WC_ASYNC_NO_[ALGO] define.

wolfSSL Async Release v3.9.8 (07/25/2016)

  • Asynchronous wolfCrypt and Cavium Nitrox V support.

wolfSSL Async Release v3.9.0 (03/04/2016)

  • Initial version with async simulator and


For questions email wolfSSL support at