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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

adopted 已采纳
adopted 已采纳
Extra attention is needed
bug 插件功能问题
bug 插件功能问题
Something isn't working
documentation 文档问题
documentation 文档问题
Improvements or additions to documentation
enhancement 新功能请求
enhancement 新功能请求
New feature or request
invalid 无效
invalid 无效
This doesn't seem right
pending 待处理
pending 待处理
Good for newcomers
problem 其他问题
problem 其他问题
pull request 提交请求
pull request 提交请求
This issue or pull request already exists
question 提问
question 提问
Further information is requested
suggestion 建议与想法
suggestion 建议与想法
update request 兼容更新请求
update request 兼容更新请求
Pull requests that update a dependency file
wontfix 未采纳
wontfix 未采纳
This will not be worked on