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Server settings

Abigail edited this page Feb 16, 2017 · 1 revision
AdvDupe2_SpawnRate - (Default - 1)
Change the percentage rate for pasting. I.E. 1 = 100% speed, .25 = 25% speed
AdvDupe2_MaxFileSize - (Default - 200)
kbs in file sized that can be opened.
AdvDupe2_MaxEntities - (Default - 0)
How many entities can be pasted. 0 to use sbox_maxprops.
AdvDupe2_MaxConstraints - (Default - 0)
How many constraints can be pasted. 0 to use unlimited.
AdvDupe2_AllowUploading - (Default - true)
Enable or disable file uploading.
AdvDupe2_AllowDownloading - (Default - true)
Enable or disable file downloading.
AdvDupe2_AllowPublicFolder - (Default - true)
Enable or disable access to the public folder.
AdvDupe2_MaxContraptionEntities - (Default - 10)
Amount of entities that can be in a contraption spawner.
AdvDupe2_MaxContraptionConstraints - (Default - 15)
Amount of constraints that can be in a contraption spawner.
AdvDupe2_MinContraptionSpawnDelay - (Default - 0.2)
The minimum delay between how fast the contraption spawner can spawn something.
AdvDupe2_MaxContraptionSpawnDelay - (Default - 120)
The maximum delay between how fast the contraption spawner can spawn something.
AdvDupe2_MinContraptionSpawnUndoDelay - (Default - 0.1)
The minimum delay of how fast the contraption spawner will auto undo.
AdvDupe2_MaxContraptionSpawnUndoDelay - (Default - 60)
The Maximum delay of how fast the contraption spawner will auto undo.
AdvDupe2_AreaAutoSaveTime - (Defailt - 10)
Minimum time in minutes that an area auto save can be.
AdvDupe2_MaxAreaCopySize - (Default - 2500)
Max size of an area copy.
AdvDupe2_RemoveFilesOnDisconnect - (Default - false)
Remove all of a player's files when they disconnect form the server.
AdvDupe2_FileModificationDelay - (Default - 5)
The delay in seconds between file modifications(Opening, deleting, moving, renaming, saving).
AdvDupe2_UpdateFilesDelay - (Default - 10)
The delay in seconds for how quickly a player can re-update their files.
AdvDupe2_AllowNPCPasting - (Default - false)
Enable or disable spawning of npcs.
AdvDupe2_MaxDownloadBytes - (Default - 200)
Amount of bytes to send per data chunk when a player is downloading.
AdvDupe2_MaxUploadBytes - (Default - 180)
Amount of bytes to recieve per data chunk when a player is uploading.
AdvDupe2_ServerSendRate - (Default - 0.15)
How quickly to send the data chunks to the player.
AdvDupe2_ClientSendRate - (Default - 0.15)
How quickly to receive the data chunks from the player.
AdvDupe2_LoadMap - (Default - 0)
Set the server to automatically load a file. 0 = Disable, 1 = preserve frozen state, 2 = unfreeze all, 3 = freeze all
AdvDupe2_MapFileName - (Default - "")
The name of the file to automatically load. I.E. "mymapsave"
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