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Wins League

Getting Started

  1. Install Meteor
  2. Install NVM
  3. nvm install 8.16.1
  4. Install Yarn
  5. yarn
  6. yarn global add mup@1.4.6 for managing server deployments
  7. brew install gpg for encrypting and decrypting server credentials

Developing Locally

  1. Launch the development environment:

    $ meteor
  2. Open a browser to view the app:

    $ http://localhost:3000
  3. Meteor automatically watches for changes and hot reloads the app.

Updating Node packages

$ yarn

Updating Meteor

  1. meteor update --release X.Y.Z
  2. Update .nvmrc with Node version
  3. nvm install X.Y.Z
  4. Update circle.yml with Docker container that supports Node version


Running tests once

$ meteor npm run test
$ meteor npm run test-app

Running tests during development

$ meteor npm run test-watch
$ meteor npm run test-app-watch

Running acceptance tests

In one terminal:

$ meteor test --full-app --driver-package tmeasday:acceptance-test-driver

In another terminal:

$ ./tests/acceptance_run

We run these in two separate terminals so the acceptance tests don't wipe out the dev database.

Running Flow check

$ flow check --all

Note that Flow doesn't yet support TypeScript declarations so it will complain about a bunch of Meteor global variables.

Other tips:

  1. Change describe() to describe.only() or it() to it.only() to only run specific specs.


Interactive Development Console

$ meteor shell

View and Edit Client Documents

Open app in the browser and press Control + M. See Mongol documentation for more.

Database Admin


Bundle Visualizing

$ meteor --extra-packages bundle-visualizer --production

Meteor Package Dependencies

$ for p in `meteor list | grep '^[a-z]' | awk '{sub(/[+*]$/, "", $2); print $1"@"$2 }'`; do echo "$p"; meteor show "$p" | grep -E '^  [a-z]'; echo; done


Migrations are done with percolate:migrations.

Deploying to Production

CircleCI automatically does this when tests pass.

If a change to .deploy/production/mup.js is needed, make sure to run gpg -c mup.js and commit the updated mup.js.gpg.