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Battle of the Bites!

Get ready to indulge your taste buds and crown the ultimate culinary champion in Battle of the Bites! 🍔🍕🍣 Vote on different matchups as iconic dishes from around the world go head-to-head.

Live Demo

Battle of the Bites screenshot

Inspired by



You can test the web app locally using Wing Console.

  1. Run npm run build-react to build the website.
  2. Run wing it main.w to launch the Wing Console in your browser.
  3. In the Wing Console, locate the website resource, and click on it to see its properties on the right sidebar. Click on the URL property to open visit the website in your browser.

For working on the React app, you can cd into the website directory and run npm run start to start the React app, which will automatically connect to the Wing simulator if you have the Wing Console running. The page will automatically reload if you make changes to the React code.


To deploy your own copy of the app, first make sure you have AWS credentials configured in your terminal for the account and region you want to deploy to. Then run the following commands to compile the app into Terraform, and deploy it:

wing compile -t tf-aws main.w
terraform -chdir=./target/main.tfaws init
terraform -chdir=./target/main.tfaws apply


Pull requests are welcome.


This project is distributed under the MIT license.