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rails db:drop && rails db:create && rails db:migrate && rails db:seed && rails server

Search.create(url: "", company: "wanderu" ,target_date: "7/07", user_id: 1)

Search.create(url: "", company: "greyhound" ,target_date: "7/07", user_id: 1)

Search.create(url: "", company: "wanderu" ,target_date: "8/08", user_id: 2)

Search.create(url: "", company: "greyhound" ,target_date: "8/08", user_id: 2)

#pick-up location Item.create(search_id: 1, user_id: 1, price: "18", bus_time: "18:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 1, user_id: 1, price: "28", bus_time: "15:00", location: "28th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 1, user_id: 1, price: "12", bus_time: "14:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 1, user_id: 1, price: "18", bus_time: "19:00", location: "16th Street, 12th Avenue")

Item.create(search_id: 2, user_id: 1, price: "18", bus_time: "06:00", location: "11th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 2, user_id: 1, price: "28", bus_time: "09:00", location: "25th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 2, user_id: 1, price: "12", bus_time: "11:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 2, user_id: 1, price: "18", bus_time: "14:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue")

Item.create(search_id: 3, user_id: 2, price: "11", bus_time: "06:00", location: "11th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 3, user_id: 2, price: "15", bus_time: "12:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 3, user_id: 2, price: "45", bus_time: "18:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 3, user_id: 2, price: "12", bus_time: "21:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue")

Item.create(search_id: 4, user_id: 2, price: "48", bus_time: "06:00", location: "8th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 4, user_id: 2, price: "28", bus_time: "09:00", location: "25th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 4, user_id: 2, price: "12", bus_time: "11:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue") Item.create(search_id: 4, user_id: 2, price: "18", bus_time: "14:00", location: "34th Street, 12th Avenue")

UserSearch.create(user_id: 1, search_id: 1) UserSearch.create(user_id: 1, search_id: 2) UserSearch.create(user_id: 2, search_id: 3) UserSearch.create(user_id: 2, search_id: 4)

This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...


rails backend






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