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A cert-manager external issuer to request certificates signed by a CFSSL API. Mirror from - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing)

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This is an an External Issuer for cert-manager to be used with CFSSL multirootca. It is based off of the sample-external-issuer provided by cert-manager.

While it might work as well with cfssl serve instead of multirootca that has not been tested yet.


For the installation of cert-manager, please see the documentation at

For the cfssl-issuer, there are helm charts (cfssl-issuer and cfssl-issuer-cdrs) available at (source: cfssl-issuer, cfssl-issuer-cdrs). The corresponding docker images can be found at:

Please see the helm charts values.yaml for examples on how to create Issuer/ClusterIssuer objects.

multirootca and bundles

The cfssl-issuer supports fetching bundles instead of certificates from the CFSSL endpoint /api/v1/cfssl/authsign (see doc/api/endpoint_authsign.txt) which is currently only supported in a forked version of multirootca which can be fount at:

A corresponding upstream PR is at: cloudflare/cfssl#1218

Root CA in Secret

In case the Issuer is configured with bundle: true (see node on multirootca support from above), the root CA is returned by the multirootca API and will be provided to the user in the resulting Secret.

As the multirootca API lacks the /api/v1/cfssl/bundle endpoint, this is unfortunately not possible with a bundle: false Issuer.


You will need the following command line tools installed on your PATH:

You may also want to read: the Kubebuilder Book and the cert-manager Concepts Documentation.

The CertificateRequest

The CertificateRequestReconciler is triggered by changes to any CertificateRequest resource in the cluster. The Reconcile function is called with the name of the object that changed, and the first thing we need to do is to GET the complete object from the Kubernetes API server.

The Reconcile function may occasionally be triggered with the names of deleted resources, so we have to handle that case gracefully.

In the implementation we are careful to return Result{}, nil when the CertificateRequest is not found. This tells controller-runtime do not retry. Other error types are assumed to be temporary errors and are returned.

NOTE: If you return an error, controller-runtime will retry with an increasing backoff, so it is very important to distinguish between temporary and permanent errors.

Ignore foreign CertificateRequest

We only want to reconcile CertificateRequest resources that are configured for our issuer. So the next piece of controller logic attempts to exit early if CertificateRequest.Spec.IssuerRef does not refer to our particular Issuer or ClusterIssuer types.

Also note how in the implementation we use the Scheme.New method to verify the Kind. This later will allow us to easily handle both Issuer and ClusterIssuer references.

If there is a mismatch in the IssuerRef we ignore the CertificateRequest.

Check that the CertificateRequest is Approved

Issuers must only sign Approved CertificateRequest resources. If the CertificateRequest has been Denied, then the Issuer should set a Ready condition to False, and set the FailureTime. If the CertificateRequest has been Approved, then the Issuer should process the request.

Issuers are not responsible for approving CertificateRequests. You can read more about the CertificateRequest Approval API in the cert-manager documentation.

The cert-manager API utility package contains functions for checking the Approved and Denied conditions of a CertificateRequest.

If using an older version of cert-manager (pre v1.3), you can disable this check by supplying the command line flag -disable-approved-check to the Deployment.

Set the CertificateRequest Ready condition

The External Issuer documentation says the following:

It is important to update the condition status of the CertificateRequest to a ready state, as this is what is used to signal to higher order controllers, such as the Certificate controller, that the resource is ready to be consumed. Conversely, if the CertificateRequest fails, it is important to mark the resource as such, as this will also be used to signal to higher order controllers.

So now we need to ensure that our issuer always sets one of the strongly defined conditions on all the CertificateRequest referring to our Group.

The first thing to check is whether the Ready condition is already true in which case we can exit early.

The Issuer or ClusterIssuer

The Issuer or ClusterIssuer for the CertificateRequest contain configuration that you will need to connect to the CFSSL API (such as the Label and Profile to use). It also contains a reference to a Secret containing credentials which you will use to authenticate with with the CFSSL API.

An Issuer has both a name and a namespace. A ClusterIssuer is cluster scoped and does not have a namespace. So we check which type we have in order to derive the correct name.

Get the Issuer or ClusterIssuer credentials from a Secret

The CFSSL API requires some configuration and credentials and the obvious place to store these is in a Kubernetes Secret.

The Secret for an Issuer MUST be in the same namespace as the Issuer. The Secret for a ClusterIssuer MUST be in a namespace defined via command line argument. If no configuration is given, the namespace running the cfssl-issuer is used.

NOTE: Ideally, we would WATCH for the particular Secret and trigger the reconciliation when it becomes available. And that may be a future enhancement to this project.

Issuer health checks

As the issuer connects to a CFSSL API it performs periodic health checks to ensure that the API server is responding and if not, to set update the Ready condition of the Issuer to false and log a meaningful error message with the condition. This will give early warning of problems with the configuration or with the API, rather than waiting a for CertificateRequest to fail before being alerted to the problem.

Since we want the health checks to be performed periodically, we need to make controller-runtime retry reconciling regularly, even when the current reconcile succeeds. We do this by setting the Result.RequeueAfter field of the returned result.

Sign the CertificateRequest

Now we turn back to the CertificateRequestReconciler and think about how we want it to handle the certificate signing request (CSR).

The signer package contains a new simple Interface and a factory function definition:

type Signer interface {
    Sign([]byte) ([]byte, error)

type SignerBuilder func(*cfsslissuerapi.IssuerSpec, map[string][]byte) (Signer, error)

Both are implemented by the cfssl signer in internal/issuer/signer/cfssl.go. The provided CSR is validated, transformed and finally send to the CFSSL API for signing (using the Label and Profile for the selected issuer).

End-to-end tests

Those are implemented using Kind and a dummy CFSSL API container called simple-cfssl (which can be build from this source tree as well). End-to-end tests can be run via:

make e2e-all

If you already have a running Kubernetes cluster and want to test using the currently active context:

make docker-build deploy-simple-cfssl e2e
