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Releases: welaika/wordless


28 Apr 15:27
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Fixed 🐛

  • 625ec53 fix wp wordless theme upgrade command (fixing wordless's files manifest)


28 Apr 15:25
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Chore ⚙️

  • 362c609 bogus commit to force WP's SVN to update some files


28 Apr 15:25
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Fixed 🐛

  • 810f3f6 fix webpack's asset path generation using new version's strategies

Chore ⚙️

  • aecfddf bogus commit to force WP's SVN to update some files


28 Apr 14:45
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Added 🆕

  • #283 more flexible management of theme's tmp dir
  • updated all php and js deps
  • yarn.lock no more shipped with theme
  • updated documentation

Fixed 🐛

Breaking Changes ‼️

  • Wordless 6.x dropped compatibility with PHP <8.1


28 Apr 14:29
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Fixed 🐛

  • e01c38d fix bug in render_static: the optimizer in some scenarios could lead to error because the render was not called. No performance drawbacks anyway.
  • 6244e8f fixed gitignore
  • 778c47c fix bug in render_static loosing locals variables

NOTE: I'm compiling ahead of time this release's changelog because I forgot to do this at the time. Sorry


29 Jun 11:18
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Fixed 🐛

Fixed a bug preventing render_static to work while in development environment


03 Jun 08:14
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Added 🆕

  • PUG's filter :php is back on track
  • vanilla theme has responsive embeds support (from wordpress core) enabled by default
  • PHP8 support (thanks to @kylekatarnls)
  • Updated static rendering documentation

Fixed 🐛

  • Validation errors are now overlayared onto the page, being visible even when inside a nested rendering process
  • Now both define('BYPASS_STATIC', false) and define('BYPASS_STATIC', FALSE) are supported
  • refactored render_template function to not waste CPU time on SHA calculation when static rendering is not required


01 Feb 16:12
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Full diff from previous release 4.1.0...5.0.0

What's new in the major version? 🆕

Please be sure to welcome the new "pure PUG" convention, since it will determine a serious performance improvement. Should you have problems refactoring an old theme in order to update it to the new conventions, feel free to open an issue (or ping me in private company chat).

Warning ⚠️

Fixed 🐛

  • Fixed a bug during the the setup preventing the correct creation of the test database

Other changes 📓

  • VSCode plugin recommendations added to vanilla theme (fd269cc)
  • Documentation was re-ordered trying to make it more focused on important things and more readable

Upgrading from 4.1

Version 5, while introducing a lot of new practices, naming conventions and scaffolding, retains full compatibility with 4.1's themes.

Big ups to @danielegiorgis who put a lot of effort in this major release.


21 Sep 21:49
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New features 🆕

This release comes with only one big feature: Wordless vanilla theme now is shipped with preconfigured E2E test suite.

Documentation is updated accordingly, so you can read more about this at

Changes ‼️

  • Composer is a new pre-requisite
  • the installation process in slightly changed (there is a new yarn setup task instead of the old yarn install); pay attention to the documentation on your next setup

Enjoy! 🌸


15 Mar 14:34
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Full diff from previous release 3.0.1...4.0.0

What's new in the major version? 🆕

  • Moved from SASS to SCSS (breaking)
  • Updated Stylelint rules and config to lint SCSS (breaking)
  • Moved from CoffeeScript to ES2015 (breaking)
  • Updated all the node_modules dependencies

Warning ⚠️

This is a major update because it's considered a breaking one. Updating the plugin from 3.x to 4.0.0 should be safe, but you cannot upgrade an existing theme with new configurations. This is true mainly due to the new default supported syntaxes (SCSS and ES2015)

Fixed 🐛

  • Fixed 2 bugs and improved the helper to register ACF/Gutenberg custom blocks (create_acf_block)
  • Fixed a wrong path declared inside Wordless class
  • Fixed a bug in new_taxonomy with most recent WP versions

Other changes 📓

  • Updated the logic behind wp wordless theme upgrade: now it is no more intended to upgrade from non-webpack themes to a webpack one, but simply updating theme's build configurations to the new shipped ones
  • Heavily improved documentation, clened up the main README.
  • Documentation reflects all the introduced updates about languages/syntaxes