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KITE 1.0 dashboard

Emmanuel Andre edited this page Jun 19, 2019 · 1 revision

This dashboard is for KITE 1.0 only.

You can check out the current public facing KITE dashboad.

A. Setup the Dashboard

Deploy and run the dashboard locally

  1. Download compressed tomcat distribution, (version 8.5.20 at time of this writing) []

  2. Unzip/extract anywhere.

  3. Copy KITE-Dashboard/target/kiteweb.war file to apache-tomcat-8.5.20/webapps

  • If the file KITE-Dashboard/target/kiteweb.war doesn't exist, rerun the build (previous step)
  1. Start tomcat:
Windows Linux / Mac
cd apache-tomcat-8.5.20\bin cd apache-tomcat-8.5.20/bin
startup ./ run
  1. Now open a browser and access the following URL http://localhost:8080/kiteweb

  2. When test session finishes, stop tomcat:

Windows Linux / Mac
cd apache-tomcat-8.5.20\bin cd apache-tomcat-8.5.20/bin
shutdown ./

B. Understand the dashboard

Main dashboard page:

This page displays the overall basic information on all of the test runs that had been executed. There are:

  • A list of executed configurations showing their name, the number of time they were executed,..
  • Click on more details shows a overall chart on the results (SUCCESSFUL, FAILED, ERROR, PENDING): /images/execution_detail.png
  • On the right of the list we have a chart showing the overall on results of all executed configurations in time.
  • On the most right side is the list of all browser configuration against which the tests were run.
  • Below is a tool to see the stats on video/audio transmission across all executed configuration, between 2 browsers:
    • Not all tests implemented getStats().
    • Not all browser pair has been run against each other, so not all of the has stats.
    • This display only stats on the 30 most recent runs.
    • Might take a while to gather and display the stats.

  • You can click on the name of the configuration to go to next page, or on the last run link below it to go directly to the result page of the latest run.

Tests page:

This page shows the runs of a specific executed configuration. You can see:

  • The starting and ending time of each execution.
  • The included tests in each of these execution and their number of test cases.
  • Clicking on the execution's name (with starting time), you will see the overall on the execution's results:
  • Clicking on the test name and you will be directed to the result page.

Result page:

This page displays the detailed results of a test:

  • The concentric chart on the right displays the overall of the test. This type of display can go with any number of tuple size we are using for the test (2D matrix can only work with 1vs1 tests). The inner circles display the participating browsers in order with different colors. The outer circle display the results.
  • On the left there's a list of result for each test case.
  • The results can be filter by result (filter out result with filtering buttons) or by browser (showing all test related to one specific browser).
  • Clicking on a result will show a more detailed log below the list (only relevant for error test cases for now).
  • On the list there is a stats column, if the icon is green, it means that stats are available for that test case. clicking on it will take you to the stat page.

Stat page:

This page display some of the available stats obtained by calling getStatsI() during the test.

There are:

  • Stats on video/audio transmissions (bytes and packets) with avg packet loss and g=jitter.
  • Information on the local and remote candidates if available (displayed in tab manner for browsers).
  • sdp offer and answer.

Overview pages:

There are 2 kinds of overall display. One is the concentric circles, the other is the 2D matrix (Only for 1vs1 tests). This page can be accessed by hovering over the overview tab on the side-navigation menu and choose a test. This page shows only the result of the stable version of the browsers.