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Example configurations and demo website

Athar42 edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

This page present the github repository and link to the demo website of DynMap

Demo website

If you wonder what can dynmap looks like in term of rendering capabilities, there is only one address for this :

DynMap example website

Navigate through the differents options on the right menu :


By letting your mouse cursor on any map type, you'll get his definition name, like this : image

With this specific name and also the section name, you'll be able to find the corresponding world configuration settings on the appropriate github repository, which we will look further into in the second part of this page.

Example configurations

All the configurations of the above site is publicly available on the following github page ==> Dynmap-setup GitHub

How to search for a settings you saw in the demo website ? that's fairly easy.

As an example, if we take the one in the above section, we want to get the configuration for the world "World-Lightings" with the map definition named "Surface-shadows-smooth".

First, open the file named worlds.txt, then do a search for the world name, here "World-Lightings", you should only have one result. As this stage, you arrive to the world definition, bellow will be all the statements for the differents map renders.


Now, you can search for the map definition :


You need to copy the whole "class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap" section to your own world configuration file.

So, as the example, if you wished to get this configuration for your world named "OverworldOne", your configuration would looks like this :

# Name is your map name (case sensitive)
-   name: OverworldOne
    # Title will be displayed on the right menu as the section title
    title: "OverOne Render"
    enabled: true
    extrazoomout: 2
    -   class: org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMap
        # Name has to be unique ! Not displayed
        name: OOSurface
        # Title will be displayed on mouse hovering the icon on the right menu
        title: Surface-shadows-smooth
        icon: images/block_world_surface.png
        # Prefix has to be unique ! Not displayed
        prefix: OOSurface
        perspective: iso_SE_60_hires
        shader: stdtexture
        lighting: shadows-smooth
        image-format: default
        mapzoomin: 2
        mapzoomout: 0
        boostzoom: 0
        append_to_world: ''
        protected: false



Advanced Configuration

Mod Support


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