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web3scala allows seamless integration with Ethereum blockchain, using Scala programming language.

Lightweight, efficient, using Scala idioms, it spares you the trouble of writing own low-level code controlling the work of Ethereum nodes.


  • Complete implementation of JSON-RPC Ethereum client API over HTTP
  • Support for Whisper v5 (work in-progress)

Getting started


libraryDependencies += "org.web3scala" % "core" % "0.1.0"

Ethereum client

$ geth --rpcapi personal,db,eth,net,web3,shh --shh --rpc --testnet

Sending requests

  val service = new Service
  // synchronous call (returns Either[Error, Response])
  service.web3ClientVersion match {
    case Left(e) => println("Error: " + e.error)
    case Right(s) => println("Client Version: " + s.result)

  // asynchronous call (returns a future wrapped in AsyncResponse)
  val future = service.asyncWeb3ClientVersion.future
  val response = future().as[GenericResponse]
  response.result match {
    case Some(s) => println(s)
    case None => println(response.error)

Stacking futures

Assuming you have three Ethereum wallets:

  val rq1 = ("0x1f2e3994505ea24642d94d00a4bcf0159ed1a617", BlockName("latest"))
  val rq2 = ("0xf9C510e90bCb47cc49549e57b80814aE3A8bb683", BlockName("pending"))
  val rq3 = ("0x902c4fD71e196E86e7C82126Ff88ADa63a590d22", BlockNumber(1559297))

and want to choose one with most Ether in it:

  val result = highestBalance(rq1, rq2, rq3)

  println("Highest Balance: " + result())

Here's how to achieve that with web3scala:

   def highestBalance(requestParams: (String, Block)*) = {
     // execute async requests
     val responses =
       for (requestParam <- requestParams)
         yield requestParam._1 -> service.asyncEthGetBalance(requestParam._1, requestParam._2)
     // parse responses
     val futures =
       for (response <- responses)
         yield for (json <- response._2.future)
           yield response._1 -> Utils.hex2long((json \ "result").extract[String])
     // select max balance and return corresponding address
     for (future <- Future.sequence(futures))
       yield future.maxBy(_._2)._1


$ Highest Balance: 0x1f2e3994505ea24642d94d00a4bcf0159ed1a617

The code is non-blocking on I/O at any point, and http requests execution fully parallelized. You'll find a working sample in the examples directory.


The library has following runtime dependencies: