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Unit Testing LICENSE Created by wbydo npm

Generates zod schema from JSON string on standard inputs.


npm install --save-dev @wbydo/zodidien


Generating a schema

When you type this command...

echo '{"foo": 1234, "bar": "asdf"}' | npx zodidien foobar

This string will be output

const foobarSchema = z.object({
  foo: z.number(),
  bar: z.string(),

It reads from standard input and outputs to standard output, so it can be used like this.

pbpaste | npx zodidien foobar

# output
# const foobarSchema = z.object({
#    foo: z.number(),
#    bar: z.string()

Generating a schema in code


Convert Types

Here is what the types on JSON are converted to.†1

JSON TypeScript
number z.number()
string z.string()
boolean z.boolean()
array z.array() †2
object z.object() †3
  • †1: If anything other than the types in the table is entered, an error will occur.
  • †2: Ignored except for first elements.
  • †3: Non-string type keys are not supported.


This package has the following dependencies:

zod - A TypeScript-first schema validation library.

Similar Library

rsinohara/json-to-zod - Converts JSON objects or file to simple Zod schemas


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

To check the operation in the local development environment, execute the following command

git clone

cd zodidien

npm ci

npm test

echo '{"foo": 1234, "bar": "asdf"}' | npm start prefix


This library is licensed under the MIT license.