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This respository contains the code and dataset for:

Phosformer: An explainable Transformer model for protein kinase-specific phosphorylation predictions.
Zhongliang Zhou, Wayland Yeung, Nathan Gravel, Mariah Salcedo, Saber Soleymani, Sheng Li, Natarajan Kannan.
Bioinformatics. (2023)

Installing dependencies

Downloading this repository

# Download this repository
git clone

cd phosformer

Installing dependencies with conda

If you do not have conda installed, you can download from the Anaconda website.

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate phosformer

If you want to exit the environment:

conda deactivate

If you want to start over, you can also delete the conda environment:

conda env remove -n phosformer

Notes on PyTorch: The Phosformer model uses the PyTorch library which can benefit from GPU acceleration. You can monitor your GPU and check the your CUDA version by running nvidia-smi -l 1. PyTorch should always work on CPU, however additional steps may be required to enable CUDA, depending on your GPU model. For more information, see the installation guide on the PyTorch website.

How to generate predictions

The section describes how to load Phosformer and use it for kinase-specific phosphosite predictions. Example code can be found in under example.ipynb. The computational notebook can be viewed using JupyterLab which is included in our environment. You can run it using jupyter lab.

Step 1: Loading Phosformer

The section describes how to load the model and tokenizer. If this is your first time running Phosformer, the model will automatically be downloaded from HuggingFace Hub and cached for subsequent uses.

import Phosformer

# load Phosformer model and tokenizer
model = Phosformer.RobertaForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('waylandy/phosformer')
tokenizer = Phosformer.RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('waylandy/phosformer')

# disables dropout for deterministic results

Step 2: Running predictions from kinase-peptide pairs

Phosformer generates predictions based on two inputs:

  1. a kinase domain sequence
    • must be a string composed of the 20 amino acid, in uppercase
    • the sequence should not contain gap characters
    • the sequence can be any length (although kinase domains are usually ~300 residues long)
    • sequences for all human kinases can be found under data/reference_human_kinases.csv
  2. a peptide sequence
    • must be a string that is exactly 11 characters (residues) long
    • the string must be composed of the 20 amino acid characters, in uppercase
    • the center residue is defined as the potential phosphosite and must be either S, T, or Y
    • if the potential phosphosite occurs within 5 residues of the N or C-terminal, pad the sequence with gap characters

For each pair of inputs, Phosformer generates one output:

  1. probability of phosphoryllation
    • this is a value in the range (0, 1) where values greater than 0.5 are positive predictions

Unlike previous methods in phosphosite prediction, Phosformer does not utilize kinase or substrate labels as input. Phosformer's understanding of the kinase and substrate is based soley off of primary sequence information. Consequently the Phosformer architecture is capable of representing any kinase-substrate combination — new labels do not need to be added to accommodate the addition of new kinases.

Here is a basic example showing how to run a single prediction using ERK2 kinase domain (UniProt: P28482).

# Provide the kinase domain sequence 

# Provide the peptide sequence
peptide_sequence = 'LLKLASPELER'

# Run the prediction
Phosformer.predict_one(kinase_sequence, peptide_sequence, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)

Here is the same example, except the kinase domain sequence is retrieved from an included csv file.

import pandas as pd

# Load the included csv file containing kinase domain sequences
kinase_csv       = pd.read_csv('data/reference_human_kinases.csv')
# Retrieve the kinase domain sequence from the csv based on UniProt
kinase_sequence  = kinase_csv[kinase_csv['uniprot']=='P28482']['sequence'].item()

# Provide the peptide sequence
peptide_sequence = 'LLKLASPELER'

# Run the prediction
Phosformer.predict_one(kinase_sequence, peptide_sequence, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)

Here is a more complex example showing which shows how run predictions from a csv file.

import pandas as pd

# load the example dataset
kinases                 = pd.read_csv('data/example_input_peptide.csv')

# only these two columns are needed to make predictions
kinase_sequences_list   = kinases['kinase domain sequence'].values
peptide_sequences_list  = kinases['peptide sequence'].values

# make predictions
predictions = Phosformer.predict_many(
    batch_size=20, # how many samples to load at once, if you're running out of memory, you can set this number lower
    device='cpu',  # either "cpu" or "cuda"
    threads=1      # specify how many threads to use, can help speed up if running on cpu

# add predictions to the dataset
kinases['score'] = predictions
kinases['prediction'] = ['Yes' if i >= 0.5 else 'No' for i in predictions]

# save the results into a new table
results = kinases[['kinase name','peptide sequence','score','prediction']]
# results.to_csv('output.csv', index=False) # uncomment this line if you want to save results

Training data

Our curated datasets for pre-training and fine-tuning can be downloaded from huggingface hub:


An interpretable Transformer model for kinase-specific phosphosite prediction







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