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Travis Binder

xeus-clickhouse is and early developer preview and is not suitable for general usage yet. Features and implementation are subject to change.

xeus-clickhouse is a Jupyter kernel for ClickHouse. It's SQL based on the native implementation of the Jupyter protocol xeus.

Give it a Try!

Try it using binder or launch Jupyter using docker and launch a new SQL notebook by selecting the xclickhouse kernel:

# start jupyter with clickhouse kernal
docker run -p 8888:8888 wangfenjin/xeus-clickhouse

# start a local clickhouse for testing
docker run -d --name jupyter-clickhouse-server -p 9000:9000 --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 yandex/clickhouse-server

# open the example/clickhouse.ipynb and connect to local server by 
# %CONNECT --host host.docker.internal --port 9000
# The port is 9000, which is TCP port!


To ensure that the installation works, it is preferable to install xeus-clickhouse in a fresh conda environment. It is also needed to use a miniconda installation because with the full anaconda you may have a conflict.

The safest usage is to create an environment named xeus-clickhouse with your miniconda installation

conda create -n xeus-clickhouse
conda activate xeus-clickhouse

Installing from conda


Installing from source

To install the xeus-clickhouse dependencies

conda install cmake nlohmann_json xtl cppzmq xeus cpp-tabulate=1.2 -c conda-forge

Then you can compile the sources

mkdir build
cd build
make install


Refer to examples/


xeus-clickhouse depends on


See to know how to contribute and set up a development environment.


This project is inspired by xeus-sqlite, and reuse many code/doc from the project! Thanks!


We use a shared copyright model that enables all contributors to maintain the copyright on their contributions.

This software is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. See the LICENSE file for details.