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Wanchain SDK for making crosschain transactions on the Wanchain network

Note: Currently Ethereum/ERC20/Bitcoin/EOS can be used on testnet and mainnet.


Use NPM to install the library:

git clone
npm install


You need a config.js file as the following:

const config = {
    port: 8545, //wanchain api port
    useLocalNode: false, // if you like to use your local node, otherwise please set to false
    logPathPrex: '', // your logs directory prefix, if you like your logs file under current directory just leave it blank.
    loglevel: 'info', // log level, we have four levels info,debug,warn and error.
    databasePathPrex: '', // your lowdb dirctory prefix.

const SLEEPTIME = 10000; //sleep time checking for storeman event when redeem

module.exports = {

Basic Usage

Define the transaction

Start by create a new WalletCore instance with abovementioned config then initialize it.

  walletCore = new WalletCore(config);

Then define the source chain and destination chain.

  srcChain = global.crossInvoker.getSrcChainNameByContractAddr('ETH', 'ETH');
  dstChain = global.crossInvoker.getSrcChainNameByContractAddr('WAN', 'WAN');

Then define the details of the crosschain transaction. The wanchain-js-sdk crosschain methods require you to pass in this transaction object. The required values depend on chain and direction.

//define your wanchain gas parameter and your wallet password
const WAN_PARA = {
    gasPrice: '180',
    gasLimit: '470000',
    password: 'password'

//define your ethereum gas parameter and your wallet password
const ETH_PARA = {
    gasPrice: '10',
    gasLimit: '470000',
    password: 'password'

// Instance INPUT
const ethInboundInput = {
    lockInput: Object.assign({}, {
        from: ETHADDR,
        to: WANADDR,
        amount: '0.00113',
    }, ETH_PARA),
    redeemInput: WAN_PARA,
    revokeInput: ETH_PARA

Invoke the lock transaction

Firstly you need to check storeman groups which serve ETH coin transaction then invoke the transaction!

  // checking storeman groups which serve ETH  coin transaction
  storemanList = (await ccUtil.getSmgList('ETH')).sort((a, b) => b.inboundQuota - a.inboundQuota);
  ethInboundInput.lockInput.txFeeRatio = storemanList[0].txFeeRatio;
  ethInboundInput.lockInput.storeman = storemanList[0].ethAddress;

  // Invoke the lock transaction on Ethereum
  retLock = await global.crossInvoker.invoke(srcChain, dstChain, 'LOCK', ethInboundInput.lockInput);

There are generally several independent transactions including LOCK, REDEEM, REVOKE etc.


Cross-chain Transactions



  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. npm test

Next Todos

  • Add support for more of the contract methods
  • Add support for more available tokens
