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Reacting to React Table

This is a React app using React Table.

npm install react-table

These are all of the available props (and their default values) for the main <ReactTable /> component:

// General Options
data: [],
resolveData: data => resolvedData,
loading: false,
showPagination: true,
showPaginationTop: false,
showPaginationBottom: true
showPageSizeOptions: true,
pageSizeOptions: [5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100],
defaultPageSize: 20,

minRows: undefined,
// controls the minimum number of rows to display - default will be `pageSize`.
// NOTE: if you set minRows to 0 then you get rid of empty padding rows BUT your table formatting will also look strange when there are ZERO rows in the table.

showPageJump: true,
collapseOnSortingChange: true,
collapseOnPageChange: true,
collapseOnDataChange: true,
freezeWhenExpanded: false,
sortable: true,
multiSort: true,
resizable: true,
filterable: false,
defaultSortDesc: false,
defaultSorted: [],
defaultFiltered: [],
defaultResized: [],
defaultExpanded: {},

defaultFilterMethod: (filter, row, column) => {
    const id = filter.pivotId ||
    return row[id] !== undefined ? String(row[id]).startsWith(filter.value) : true

defaultSortMethod: (a, b, desc) => {
    // force null and undefined to the bottom
    a = a === null || a === undefined ? '' : a
    b = b === null || b === undefined ? '' : b
    // force any string values to lowercase
    a = typeof a === 'string' ? a.toLowerCase() : a
    b = typeof b === 'string' ? b.toLowerCase() : b
    // Return either 1 or -1 to indicate a sort priority
    if (a > b) {
        return 1
    if (a < b) {
        return -1
    // returning 0, undefined or any falsey value will use subsequent sorts or
    // the index as a tiebreaker
    return 0

PadRowComponent: () => <span>&nbsp;</span>, // the content rendered inside of a padding row

// Controlled State Overrides (see Fully Controlled Component section)
page: undefined,
pageSize: undefined,
sorted: [],
filtered: [],
resized: [],
expanded: {},

// Controlled State Callbacks
onPageChange: undefined,
onPageSizeChange: undefined,
onSortedChange: undefined,
onFilteredChange: undefined,
onResizedChange: undefined,
onExpandedChange: undefined,

// Pivoting
pivotBy: undefined,

// Key Constants
pivotValKey: '_pivotVal',
pivotIDKey: '_pivotID',
subRowsKey: '_subRows',
aggregatedKey: '_aggregated',
nestingLevelKey: '_nestingLevel',
originalKey: '_original',
indexKey: '_index',
groupedByPivotKey: '_groupedByPivot',

// Server-side callbacks
onFetchData: () => null,

// Classes
className: '',
style: {},

// Component decorators
getProps: () => ({}),
getTableProps: () => ({}),
getTheadGroupProps: () => ({}),
getTheadGroupTrProps: () => ({}),
getTheadGroupThProps: () => ({}),
getTheadProps: () => ({}),
getTheadTrProps: () => ({}),
getTheadThProps: () => ({}),
getTheadFilterProps: () => ({}),
getTheadFilterTrProps: () => ({}),
getTheadFilterThProps: () => ({}),
getTbodyProps: () => ({}),
getTrGroupProps: () => ({}),
getTrProps: () => ({}),
getThProps: () => ({}),
getTdProps: () => ({}),
getTfootProps: () => ({}),
getTfootTrProps: () => ({}),
getTfootThProps: () => ({}),
getPaginationProps: () => ({}),
getLoadingProps: () => ({}),
getNoDataProps: () => ({}),
getResizerProps: () => ({}),

// Custom pagination rendering
renderPageJump: ({ onChange, value, onBlur, onKeyPress, inputType, pageJumpText }) => component,
renderCurrentPage: page => component,
renderTotalPagesCount: pages => component,
renderPageSizeOptions: ({
}) => component

// Global Column Defaults
// To override only some values, import { ReactTableDefaults } from 'react-table'
// and construct your overrides (e.g. {...ReactTableDefaults.column, className: 'react-table-cell'})
column: {
// Renderers
Cell: undefined,
Header: undefined,
Footer: undefined,
Aggregated: undefined,
Pivot: undefined,
PivotValue: undefined,
Expander: undefined,
Filter: undefined,
// Standard options
sortable: undefined, // use table default
resizable: undefined, // use table default
filterable: undefined, // use table default
show: true,
minWidth: 100,
// Cells only
className: '',
style: {},
getProps: () => ({}),
// Headers only
headerClassName: '',
headerStyle: {},
getHeaderProps: () => ({})
// Footers only
footerClassName: '',
footerStyle: {},
getFooterProps: () => ({}),
filterAll: false,
filterMethod: undefined,
sortMethod: undefined,
defaultSortDesc: undefined,

// Global Expander Column Defaults
// To override only some values, import { ReactTableDefaults } from 'react-table'
// and construct your overrides (e.g. {...ReactTableDefaults.expanderDefaults, sortable: true})
expanderDefaults: {
sortable: false,
resizable: false,
filterable: false,
width: 35

// Global Pivot Column Defaults
pivotDefaults: {},

// Text
previousText: 'Previous',
nextText: 'Next',
loadingText: 'Loading...',
noDataText: 'No rows found',
pageText: 'Page',
ofText: 'of',
rowsText: 'rows',

// Accessibility Labels
pageJumpText: 'jump to page',
rowsSelectorText: 'rows per page',

<ReactTable /> requires a columns prop, which is an array of objects containing the following properties:

Cell: JSX | String | Function // Used to render a standard cell, defaults to the accessed value
Header: JSX | String | Function // Used to render the header of a column or column group
Footer: JSX | String | Function // Used to render the footer of a column

Filter: JSX | cellInfo => ( // Used to render the filter UI of a filter-enabled column
<select onChange={event => onFiltersChange(} value={filter ? filter.value : ''}></select>
// The value passed to onFiltersChange will be the value passed to filter.value of the filterMethod

Aggregated: JSX | String | Function // Used to render aggregated cells. Defaults to a comma separated list of values.

Pivot: JSX | String | Function | cellInfo => ( // Used to render a pivoted cell
    <Expander /><PivotValue /> // By default, will utilize the the PivotValue and Expander components at run time

PivotValue: JSX | String | Function // Used to render the value inside of a Pivot cell
Expander: JSX | String | Function // Used to render the expander in both Pivot and Expander cells

// General
accessor: 'propertyName', // or Accessor eg. (row) => row.propertyName (see "Accessors" section for more details)
id: 'myProperty', // Conditional - A unique ID is required if the accessor is not a string or if you would like to override the column name used in server-side calls
sortable: boolean, // Overrides the table option
resizable: boolean, // Overrides the table option
filterable: boolean, // Overrides the table option
show: true, // can be used to hide a column
width: undefined, // A hardcoded width for the column. This overrides both min and max width options
minWidth: 100, // A minimum width for this column. If there is extra room, column will flex to fill available space (up to the max-width, if set)
maxWidth: undefined, // A maximum width for this column.

// Special
pivot: false,
// Turns this column into a special column for specifying pivot position in your column definitions.
// The `pivotDefaults` options will be applied on top of this column's options.
// It will also let you specify rendering of the header (and header group if this special column is placed in the `columns` option of another column)
expander: false,
// Turns this column into a special column for specifying expander position and options in your column definitions.
// The `expanderDefaults` options will be applied on top of this column's options.
// It will also let you specify rendering of the header (and header group if this special column is placed in the `columns` option of another column) and
// the rendering of the expander itself via the `Expander` property

// Cell Options
className: '', // Set the classname of the `td` element of the column
style: {}, // Set the style of the `td` element of the column
// Header & HeaderGroup Options
headerClassName: '', // Set the classname of the `th` element of the column
headerStyle: {}, // Set the style of the `th` element of the column
getHeaderProps: (state, rowInfo, column, instance) => ({}), // a function that returns props to decorate the `th` element of the column

// Header Groups only
columns: [...], // See Header Groups section below

// Footer
footerClassName: '', // Set the classname of the `td` element of the column's footer
footerStyle: {}, // Set the style of the `td` element of the column's footer
getFooterProps: (state, rowInfo, column, instance) => ({}), // A function that returns props to decorate the `td` element of the column's footer

// Filtering
filterMethod: (filter, row || rows, column) => {return true}, // A function returning a boolean that specifies the filtering logic for the column
// 'filter' == an object specifying which filter is being applied. Format: {id: [the filter column's id], value: [the value the user typed in the filter field], pivotId: [if filtering on a pivot column, the pivotId will be set to the pivot column's id and the `id` field will be set to the top level pivoting column]}
// 'row' || 'rows' == the row (or rows, if filterAll is set to true) of data supplied to the table
// 'column' == the column that the filter is on
filterAll: false

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.